Operation All Out against Bodo Militants: What Next? The Centre needs to focus on setting up mechanisms to ensure rehabilitation of displaced persons and surrendered militants as well as their participation in governance Sushil Kumar Sharma | February 02, 2016 | Issue Brief
Dark Web and Encrypted Apps: ISIS Communicates in the Black As ISIS strives to spread its tentacles in India, it would definitely build up a network of sympathisers and probable recruits, connected digitally with its operatives spread across the globe and available online round the clock. Munish Sharma | February 02, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Galvanising ‘Make in India’ in Defence: The Experts’ Committee Chips In In spite of spending close to Rs 500,000 crore on capital acquisitions between 2002–03 and 2014–15, the Indian Armed Forces continue to suffer from a chronic shortage of equipment and ammunition, low levels of serviceability of equipment already in service, and a heavy dependence on imports. The procurement programmes keep getting stalled or take inordinately long to fructify. There are several reasons for this morass; the primary ones being disjointed defence planning, limited budgetary support for modernisation of the armed forces, procedural complexities, and bureaucratic indolence. Amit Cowshish | January 2016 | Journal of Defence Studies
India’s Afghan Muddle: A Lost Opportunity by Harsh V. Pant The book provides a brief history of Afghanistan from ancient times to year 2014, and brings out the strategic interest of world powers in the country. It highlights that Afghanistan has seen considerable turmoil, upheavals and external forces battling for strategic control since the 1970s. In 2001, this culminated into an ‘international war against terror’ post the 9/11 attacks in the US by Al Qaeda, the leaders of which were then sheltered by the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. Y.M. Bammi | January 2016 | Journal of Defence Studies
Geostrategic Imperative of the Indo-Pacific Region: Emerging Trends and Regional Responses The global economic power shift from the West to East (Asia) and the increasing geostrategic significance of the Indo-Pacific region has resulted in cooperation and competition among the established and rising powers in the region. While the economic cooperation between them has significantly grown in recent past, the geostrategic and geopolitical frameworks remain very uncertain. In essence, the emerging trends and issues in the Indo-Pacific offer unique opportunities as well as daunting challenges to the nations. Saroj Bishoyi | January 2016 | Journal of Defence Studies
PrepCom: Setting the Stage for the ‘Eighth’ Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention On April 26, 2016, the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) meeting for the Eighth Review Conference (RevCon) of the Biological Weapons Convention (or BWC) jump-started the Convention’s quinquennial review process which is… Continue reading PrepCom: Setting the Stage for the ‘Eighth’ Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention Animesh Roul | January-June 2016 | CBW Magazine
Preparations for the Eighth Review Conference to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention Numerous planning documents and policy statements are being generated in the lead-up to the Eighth Review Conference to the 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) for which Ambassador György… Continue reading Preparations for the Eighth Review Conference to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention John Hart | January - June 2016 | CBW Magazine
India’s Policy towards WMD Weapons: Status and Trends Preventing the spread and buildup of nuclear weapons remains one of the highest priority international security challenges. Following the concerns over the spread of nuclear weapons, came the issue of… Continue reading India’s Policy towards WMD Weapons: Status and Trends Chandreyee Chakraborty | January-June 2016 | CBW Magazine
Honour and Fidelity: India’s Military Contribution to the Great War 1914–1918 by Amarinder Singh Three days after the ‘Great War’ was declared at midnight on the 4–5 August 1914, mobilisation orders were issued to marshal what would become the largest expeditionary force of that war and, arguably, of all wars till date. These instructions were issued by Lord Hardinge— the then Viceroy of India—resulting in Expeditionary Force ‘A’ that embarked for France within the month. Akash S. Goud | January 2016 | Journal of Defence Studies
The South China Sea: The Struggle for Power in Asia by Bill Hayton The South China Sea disputes have received considerable attention from international relations scholars, world leaders and policymakers in the recent decades. China’s aspirations in the region are challenged by the relatively smaller East Asian countries, including Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan. The territorial disputes, mixed with the concept of sovereignty and national pride, have led to the development of geopolitical rivalry in the region. Sampa Kundu | January 2016 | Journal of Defence Studies