Explaining Non-Arctic States in the Arctic Council How has the role of observers in the Arctic Council evolved and why is there increased interest in participation by states and international institutions? This article examines the influence and interest of observers in international institutions. The Arctic Council is an international institution founded in 1996 to promote Arctic environmental protection and sustainable development. Ultimately, observers are weak actors in the Council. Despite this weakness, actors seek to become observers for two reasons. Andrew Chater | May 2016 | Strategic Analysis
US Power and Influence in the Asia-Pacific Region: The Decline of ‘Alliance Mutuality’ Recently, the nature of the presence of the US in the Asia-Pacific has undergone significant changes. At least three developments—the rise of an economically and militarily resurgent China, a renewed counter-strategic approach by the US to rebalance its engagements with its close regional allies like Japan, the Philippines, South Korea and Australia, and the US’ efforts to expand and extend strategic cooperation with India and Vietnam—show that there are new emerging differences between the US and its four major non-NATO allies in the Asia-Pacific. Vivek Mishra | May 2016 | Strategic Analysis
Countering the Threat of Radicalisation: Theories, Programmes and Challenges In recent years, rising instances of home-grown terrorism, lone-wolf operations and growing polarisation within societies have upstaged the global military struggle against major transnational terrorist organisations. As the dissemination of radical ideas and related violence increases, over 40 governments around the world have decided to develop their own counter-radicalisation and de-radicalisation programmes, in keeping with their socio-political and cultural particularities. Adil Rasheed | April 2016 | Journal of Defence Studies
The Maoist Global Web The external linkages of the Maoists are wide, stretching from Latin America to South East Asia. These linkages have, essentially, given them visibility and propaganda, and very occasionally weapons. P. V. Ramana | April 29, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Buy (IDDM) or Buy (Indian): Horns of a Dilemma If a product is indigenously designed, developed and manufactured, should the percentage of indigenous content in that product really matter so much? Amit Cowshish | April 29, 2016 | IDSA Comments
India’s Space Security Policy: A Proposal It is time India devised a cohesive national policy to guard its interests in space and effectively address existing and emerging challenges. Ajey Lele | April 28, 2016 | Policy Brief
Strategic Partnerships: A Critical Overview of the Aatre Task Force Report The Task Force has not extended the principle of Strategic Partnership to the whole gamut of big contracts in which the private sector is supposed to play a major role. And it visualises strategic partners as poor cousins of state-owned entities. Laxman Kumar Behera | April 26, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Social Media and the Encryption Challenge The need of the moment is an encryption policy that does not come in the way of innovation but at the same time reduces undue opportunities for criminal and terrorist activities. Arul R | April 22, 2016 | IDSA Comments
China Remains a Proliferation Concern in the Indian Subcontinent China’s continuing complicity in nuclear proliferation networks would weaken the global nuclear security regime. Hence, China must cooperate with the international community for reinvesting the benefits achieved by the Nuclear Security Summit process, and help develop stronger nuclear security architecture in the Indian subcontinent. Reshmi Kazi | April 22, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Satellite for SAARC: Pakistan’s Missed Opportunity SAARC satellite was an opportunity for Pakistan to display its enthusiasm for space cooperation with India, but its strategic calculations appear to have ‘jammed’ its vision. Ajey Lele | April 19, 2016 | IDSA Comments