Buy (IDDM) or Buy (Indian): Horns of a Dilemma If a product is indigenously designed, developed and manufactured, should the percentage of indigenous content in that product really matter so much? Amit Cowshish April 29, 2016 IDSA Comments
India’s Space Security Policy: A Proposal It is time India devised a cohesive national policy to guard its interests in space and effectively address existing and emerging challenges. Ajey Lele April 28, 2016 Policy Brief
Strategic Partnerships: A Critical Overview of the Aatre Task Force Report The Task Force has not extended the principle of Strategic Partnership to the whole gamut of big contracts in which the private sector is supposed to play a major role. And it visualises strategic partners as poor cousins of state-owned entities. Laxman Kumar Behera April 26, 2016 IDSA Comments
Social Media and the Encryption Challenge The need of the moment is an encryption policy that does not come in the way of innovation but at the same time reduces undue opportunities for criminal and terrorist activities. Arul R April 22, 2016 IDSA Comments
China Remains a Proliferation Concern in the Indian Subcontinent China’s continuing complicity in nuclear proliferation networks would weaken the global nuclear security regime. Hence, China must cooperate with the international community for reinvesting the benefits achieved by the Nuclear Security Summit process, and help develop stronger nuclear security architecture in the Indian subcontinent. Reshmi Kazi April 22, 2016 IDSA Comments
Satellite for SAARC: Pakistan’s Missed Opportunity SAARC satellite was an opportunity for Pakistan to display its enthusiasm for space cooperation with India, but its strategic calculations appear to have ‘jammed’ its vision. Ajey Lele April 19, 2016 IDSA Comments
Continued Israeli Settlement Policy in the Occupied Territories Settler entrenchment has reached a point where no peaceful assimilation of the entire West Bank into a compact territory of a future Palestine state and a harmonious division of Jerusalem city linked to this entity may be possible. Gautam Sen April 19, 2016 IDSA Comments
Revisiting the 1965 War The 1965 war was an unexpected one, forced on India by Pakistan. Yet, India rose as one to face the threat to her safety and integrity, and defeated the designs of Pakistan to wrest Kashmir. Fought mainly on our western border, the geopolitical ramifications of the war attracted international attention and reactions of the major world powers, mainly for ending the war. While the actual fighting stopped on 23 September1965 (there were a few actions after it also), the final curtain was drawn in January 1966 at Tashkent. Y.M. Bammi April 2016 Journal of Defence Studies
Equilibrium in Higher Defence Organisation and the Need for Restructuring The article deals with the issue of the necessity of identifying and maintaining equilibrium between the two key constituents of the higher defence organisation (HDO) of the country, namely, the civil bureaucrats and the service officers. In India, the military and the bureaucracy share a very delicate relationship. Though the protocol issues between the various appointments have been defined by the government, there is a requirement of greater clarity in the working relationship between them. Rajneesh Singh April 2016 Journal of Defence Studies
Peacekeeping or Peace Enforcement: Principal Dilemma Surrounding United Nations Peacekeeping in the Democratic Republic Of Congo The TCC have to shed their colonial legacies and participate in UN peacekeeping on equal terms rather than merely being service providers. It is necessary that the UNSC decisions are more inclusive and reflective of the new world order. Vikrant Deshpande April-June 2016 Africa Trends