Karbi Insurgency in Assam: The Way Forward Over the years, endless corruption, mismanagement of funds, and failure to devolve power to the people has completely jeopardised the unique Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council (KAAC), leading to the rise of Karbi insurgency. Sushil Kumar Sharma | June 20, 2016 | Policy Brief
China’s Growing Arms Sales to Latin America The United States, once the dominant influence over the armed forces of the region, is now in danger of losing that position to China and has already lost it in countries like Bolivia and Venezuela. Sanjay Badri-Maharaj | June 20, 2016 | IDSA Comments
The Impact of World War I on the Arab World Today The military campaigns waged during the war and the political arrangements entered into immediately thereafter created the Arab world as it exists today as well as the problems it continues to confront. K. P. Fabian | June 17, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Brexit: Does it matter for India? While Brexit would provide a fillip for an India-UK FTA, Britain staying on in the EU is also likely to be of value given its role as a gateway to Europe. Mathew Sinu Simon | June 17, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Games Navies Play: Anti-Access and Area Denial in Maritime Asia A sound sensor array in the Indian Ocean could prove invaluable for India which has a major anti-submarine warfare handicap and a lack of operational submarines. Abhijit Singh | June 16, 2016 | IDSA Comments
India’s Entry into NSG: Why is South Africa holding out? Has South Africa buckled under Chinese pressure to oppose India’s membership in the NSG? While this cannot yet be confirmed, there are strong indicators that it could be a possibility. Ruchita Beri | June 15, 2016 | IDSA Comments
India’s Stakes in SCO India cannot be taking other than a cooperative position if it wants to genuinely exploit opportunities that SCO processes may offer. Any policy on connectivity underpinned by a spirit of rivalry will make India an odd one out. P. Stobdan | June 15, 2016 | IDSA Comments
The SCO: India enters Eurasia India’s objective lies not in offsetting the interests of either the US or China but to walk towards its own destiny of serving humanity and global peace. P. Stobdan | June 14, 2016 | Policy Brief
India – US Cyber Relationship While the intent exists to forge a strong partnership on cyberspace issues, there is much groundwork to be done to actually build trust and move forward together. Sanjeev Gupta | June 14, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Revisiting Nuclear India: Strategic Culture and (In) Security Imaginary, by Runa Das Following a critical social constructivist approach, Runa Das affirms in Revisiting Nuclear India that India’s nuclear decisions are a product of the state’s strategic culture, which is generated by its ‘security community’ not only as a response to ‘real politics’ but also are articulated and re-interpreted within an ‘political-ideological-cultural space’ carved out by the discursive practices of the security community. For Das, strategic cultures are not culturally-conditioned or historically determined but socially constructed. S. Samuel C. Rajiv | July 2016 | Journal of Defence Studies