South China Sea Arbitration: An Analysis Considering China’s non-appearance, the tribunal must proprio motu take judicial notice of all relevant facts, data, case precedents and public statements not communicated to it, and must apply its ‘arbitral wisdom’ based on international law. Abhishek Pratap Singh May 13, 2016 IDSA Comments
Cyber Menace and Elections in The Philippines The cyber-attack on the election commission of The Philippines demonstrates the need for democracies to have a strong cyber security mechanism in place for the smooth conduct of elections. Ajey Lele May 12, 2016 IDSA Comments
South Pacific: Gaining Prominence in Indian Foreign Policy Calculations This backgrounder explores three issues: the strategic significance of the South Pacific for India, the advantages that India enjoys over China in the region, and the status of India’s relationship with Papua New Guinea in the light of the recent visit by President Mukherjee. Niranjan Chandrashekhar Oak May 10, 2016 Backgrounder
Re-location of ITBP Frontier HQs from Shillong to Itanagar With improved manageability of support forces like ITBP on the Line of Actual Control in the Arunachal segment, the Army gains some flexibility and cushion time for intervention should the need arise. Gautam Sen May 09, 2016 IDSA Comments
The Half-Forgotten War in Yemen For Yemen, known in antiquity as Arabia Felix (Happy Arabia), there is much sorrow in store as of now. The Romans used to contrast Arabia Felix with Arabia Deserta. K. P. Fabian May 06, 2016 IDSA Comments
India’s Submarine Modernisation Plans India’s future submarine fleet operations are likely to involve SSKs and SSNs operating in the littoral spaces, in a strategic environment sanitized and protected by SSBNs. If New Delhi can ensure compliance with present construction deadlines, it could put its submarine modernization plans back on track. Abhijit Singh May 05, 2016 IDSA Comments
Rethinking India’s approach towards Pakistan-occupied Kashmir Ceding PoK as part of a settlement does not comport with India’s national and strategic interests, especially in terms of dealing with the challenge posed by China-Pakistan collaboration. S. Kalyanaraman May 03, 2016 IDSA Comments
Inserting PoK into the Kashmir Conundrum India needs to proactively buttress its broader position by affixing/prefixing the issue of Pakistan occupied Kashmir to the bilateral agenda every time the issue of Kashmir comes up for discussion. Priyanka Singh May 03, 2016 IDSA Comments
Libya’s frustrating quest for itself When can we expect to see Libya having a single government and starting the daunting journey towards democracy? K. P. Fabian May 02, 2016 IDSA Comments
South Asia in Transition: Democracy, Political Economy and Security by Bhumitra Chakma (ed.) Change is a constant, multifaceted and universal phenomenon which has been experienced at every stage of history. Change becomes transformative when it starts altering the basic nature of a system, heralding a new era. This has happened to the political maps of the world, bringing in societal and inter-state relationships. South Asia is no exception to this rule. It has witnessed many cartographic political changes over the centuries resulting in changes in culture, economy, governmental practices and inter-state relations. Vikash Kumar May 2016 Strategic Analysis