Rebuilding the Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard A scramble for assets between the years 2013 and 2015 culminated in the procurement of a fleet of vessels that have restored a degree of capability and viability to the TTCG. Sanjay Badri-Maharaj | August 26, 2016 | IDSA Comments
NSG and China’s Grand Strategic Flip-flops: Some Plausible Explanations Given that the NSG may not be able to withhold the India membership question for long, in spite of China’s inconsistent positions, it would be unwise on India’s part to forfeit any advantage it has on the SCS issue. A. Vinod Kumar | August 24, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Japan’s Defence White Paper 2016: An Overview Furthering the premise of an increasingly severe security environment, Japan’s latest defence white paper has accorded relatively more space to its ‘strong concerns’ over China’s ‘active maritime expansion’ as well as progress in North Korea’s missile development programme. Titli Basu | August 22, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Developments in PoK and the Kashmir Valley: An Analysis India will have to keep a close watch on the developments within PoK and highlight the Pakistani strategy of promoting terror in Kashmir and expose its policies towards both the regions within PoK S. K. Sharma , Ashish Shukla | August 19, 2016 | Issue Brief
South Korean Arms Exports to Latin America ROK is employing an effective combination of gifting equipment combined with joint ventures with local industry, which has the dual effect of increasing exports and forging partnerships with domestic industries in a region where it has hitherto had a very minimal defence relationship. Sanjay Badri-Maharaj | August 19, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Why India’s South China Sea Stand Matters Regardless of the concessions Beijing is willing to offer on the NSG and bilateral issues, New Delhi has reason to continue viewing China’s maritime manoeuvres in the Indian Ocean Region with suspicion. Abhijit Singh | August 19, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Whither Turkey? Turkey is going where President Erdogan wants to take it to, as those who do not agree with him are too intimidated to stand in his way. K. P. Fabian | August 17, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Erdoğan’s Visit to St. Petersburg: A Measured Russia-Turkey Rapprochement While a Russia-Turkey rapprochement is driven by their particular national interests, its trajectory and outcome are likely to be shaped by the interplay of several geo-economic and geo-political factors. Rajorshi Roy | August 16, 2016 | IDSA Comments
The Spectre of ISIS: Trinidad’s Unfolding Jihadi Nightmare While there have been no studies on the motivation of Trinidadian Muslims to travel to join ISIS fighters, it is possible that the idea of the Caliphate has fired the imagination of disaffected youth. Sanjay Badri-Maharaj | August 08, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Are Russia and NATO inching towards a conflict? The Joint Communique issued by the recent NATO summit, held on July 8-9 in Warsaw, appears to have sown the seeds of a renewed confrontation with Russia. Rajorshi Roy | August 08, 2016 | IDSA Comments