Enhanced Role of Japanese SDF in UN Peacekeeping Operations The indication by Defence Minister Tomomi Inada post her visit to South Sudan that security conditions are conducive for an increase in SDF roles points to a pragmatic outlook and mature understanding of Japan’s role in international issues. Adarsha Verma | October 18, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Implications of a Complete Sealing of the India-Pakistan Border Instead of erecting static structures or walls with mounted electronic complements, a more dynamic mode of border management and surveillance may be expedient and cost-effective with concomitant mobile patrols by all-terrain vehicles, hovercraft, etc. Gautam Sen | October 18, 2016 | IDSA Comments
The Importance of Passive and Active CBRN Defensive Measures The key to calling Pakistan’s nuclear bluff lies in ensuring that the Indian armed forces are prepared to meet the threat of use of tactical nuclear weapons. Sanjay Badri-Maharaj | October 17, 2016 | Issue Brief
Syria’s Sad Predicament Is it a matter of such transcendental importance to keep Assad in power or remove him even at the cost of the lives of hundreds of thousands of ordinary Syrians and the displacement of half of the country’s total population? K. P. Fabian | October 14, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Open Skies: Transparency, Confidence Building, and the End of the Cold War, by Peter Jones The Cold War period has been significant in international history as well as politics. The two power blocs were never at open war but much went on as part of propaganda against the other. Within this struggle between two ideological teams were also efforts, however ill-conceived, to reduce suspicions and build better relations with the hope for a more secure environment. ‘Open Skies’ is one of such initiatives that have in fact barely been comprehensively recorded until the release of this book. Shrabana Barua | October 2016 | Journal of Defence Studies
The Rise and Future of ISIS The article discusses the rise of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and focuses on its future. It explores the major milestones in the phenomenal rise of ISIS, which has surprised many geopolitical and military experts. It also briefly traces its journey as it gained ground in parts of Iraq, Syria and Libya, and the support it received from unexpected quarters of the world. The strong presence of ISIS in the digital medium has become a defining feature of the group. K. Nishant Nair | October 2016 | Journal of Defence Studies
India and the NSG Membership: What Lies Ahead India will have to make a judicious political decision on accepting any additional criteria that the NSG might come up with as a precondition for accepting its membership application. G. Balachandran | October 05, 2016 | Issue Brief
More Latin American Air Forces Prepare to Resume Shooting Down Narco-Trafficking Aircraft The policy of shooting down aircraft suspected of narco-trafficking is one fraught with problems without any tangible impact on the narco-trade. Sanjay Badri-Maharaj | October 05, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Uri, Surgical Strikes and International Reactions India’s diplomatic offensive launched post the Uri-attacks provided the broader context in which its decision to carry out the surgical strike needs to be seen. Vivek Chadha , Rumel Dahiya , Neha Kohli , Shruti Pandalai | October 04, 2016 | Issue Brief
Understanding Kashmir and Kashmiris, by Christopher Snedden Since 1947, the protracted issue of Kashmir has predominantly underpinned the subcontinent’s security discourse having dictated the trajectory of unsettling ties between India and Pakistan. As old as India’s independence from British rule and the consequent creation of Pakistan in 1947, the Kashmir issue is rooted in the indecisive phase preceding Jammu and Kashmir’s (J&K) formal accession to India. Priyanka Singh | October 2016 | Journal of Defence Studies