It is Terrorism by Daish, Not Jihad by Islamic State Terrorists pursuing an atavistic agenda through the brutal killing of common people are not performing jihad. They only seek to legitimize their vile acts in the name of Islam. Reshmi Kazi | December 05, 2016 | IDSA Comments
The Royal Bahamas Defence Force: Poised for Capability Growth The capabilities of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force will be significantly boosted in the current phase of modernisation but the air wing still lacks resources. Sanjay Badri-Maharaj | November 30, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Indonesian President’s Visit to India : A Visit of Strategic Significance President Jokowi’s state visit to India in December is an opportunity to develop a truly strategic relationship that covers maritime security and defence of the Indo-Pacific, economic relations, and cultural, training educational, and people-to-people interactions that can contribute to the realisation of the full potential of two major Asian powers in the 21st century. Gautam Mukhopadhaya | November 25, 2016 | Special Feature
CPEC: Corridor of Discontent The Brief flags the political discontent in the three major regions that lie in the CPEC’s trajectory. Priyanka Singh | November 23, 2016 | Issue Brief
Cross-Strait Relations: The Lull before the Storm? The new direction of Cross-Strait relations, for better or worse, is largely expected only after the 19th CPC Congress in October-November 2017. Prashant Kumar Singh | November 23, 2016 | Issue Brief
Benefitting from China’s Belt and Road Initiative Any Indian initiative which is economically prudent and culturally appropriate could neutralise those advantages China seeks to draw from its Belt and Road Initiative vis-à-vis India, and even maximise its benefits. P. Stobdan | November 22, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Triumphant Trump and American Foreign Policy President-elect Donald Trump’s foreign policy pronouncements during the campaign have led to alarm and concerns among America’s strongest allies. K. P. Fabian | November 22, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Japan While the highlight of the visit was the signing of the nuclear agreement, other agreements signed will continue the rising trajectory in the strategic, economic, political and security partnership between the two countries Adarsha Verma | November 18, 2016 | IDSA Comments
Demonetisation and Beyond: Addressing the Finance of Terrorism Demonetisation is an important step in the fight against the finance of terrorism. However, it should neither be the first nor the last, if the interlinked threats of corruption, crime and the finance of terrorism have to be controlled. Vivek Chadha | November 18, 2016 | Policy Brief
Internal Security Challenges Preclude Military Reorientation in Trinidad & Tobago The Trinidad Military, which should be concentrating on the maritime domain, is forced by expediency, to take on internal land operations. Sanjay Badri-Maharaj | November 15, 2016 | IDSA Comments