Outer Space Treaty: 50 years later There is a need to rework the Outer Space Treaty and contemporize it to deal more directly with issues of the current era. Natallia Khaniejo | January 27, 2017 | Backgrounder
Defence Modernisation: A Silver Lining in the Dark Clouds? The presentation of the Union budget on February 1 is expected to ensure full utilisation of allocated funds and will ensure that ‘New Schemes’ can be processed, approved and contracted from April 1, 2017. Vinay Kaushal | January 27, 2017 | Issue Brief
Frontiers, Insurgencies and Counter-Insurgencies in South Asia, 1820-2013, by Kaushik Roy Frontiers, Insurgencies and Counter-Insurgencies in South Asia is a well written and intelligently composed monograph by Kaushik Roy, a leading expert in South Asian military studies. It primarily deals with frontier issues, insurgency and counter-insurgency (COIN) operations in South Asia from 1820 to 2013, adequately emphasising on the inter-relationships between colonial making of frontiers, state formation, and small wars conducted by the British in this particular region. Manas Dutta | January 2017 | Journal of Defence Studies
ALH Dhruv and the Indian Helicopter Industry: Unrealised Potential, Promises and Challenges For more than half a century, independent India’s aircraft manufacturing has been dominated by, and entirely limited to, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL). The helicopter, in particular, was seen almost exclusively as a platform of military utility. Therefore, other than the defence forces, paramilitary and a few state governments, civilian use of helicopters was almost unheard of until recently. Commencing from the 1990s, awareness about the utility of helicopters for civilian use increased rapidly due to its widespread use by political parties during elections. M. Matheswaran | January 2017 | Journal of Defence Studies
Preparing For The 4th Review Conference Of The Chemical Weapons Convention: Some Observations On Process And Outcomes The Fourth Special Session of the Conference of the States Parties to Review the Operation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (4th CWC Review Conference) will be held in 2018. A… Continue reading Preparing For The 4th Review Conference Of The Chemical Weapons Convention: Some Observations On Process And Outcomes John Hart | January-June 2017 | CBW Magazine
BEML Disinvestment: What about the other DPSUs and OFs? The BEML model of disinvestment needs to be applied to the rest of the Defence Public Sector Undertakings as well as Ordnance Factories. Laxman Kumar Behera | January 20, 2017 | IDSA Comments
China’s White Paper on Asia Pacific Security Cooperation: An Assessment Through this white paper, China has affirmed its regional ambitions and aims to shape the regional security agenda in the Asia Pacific on its stated terms. Abhay Kumar Singh | January 19, 2017 | Issue Brief
Yersinia pestis, Biological Warfare, and Bioterrorism Preface I teach a graduate seminar course at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey titled “Chemical and Biological Weapons and Arms Control.” Last semester a student asked me,… Continue reading Yersinia pestis, Biological Warfare, and Bioterrorism Raymond A. Zilinskas | January-June 2017 | CBW Magazine
The Decline of the Cuban Armed Forces While the Cuban armed forces are but a shadow of their former self with unserviceable equipment and massive reductions in personnel strength, the country still retains combat capabilities far in excess of any of its Caribbean neighbours. Sanjay Badri-Maharaj | January 18, 2017 | IDSA Comments
Making it Palatable – Managing Food Supply in the Armed Forces With some innovative thinking, on-line arrangements with suppliers, including the Canteen Stores Department, could reduce the cost of storage and distribution and, more importantly, help in maintaining a high satisfaction level among troops. Amit Cowshish | January 18, 2017 | IDSA Comments