Green growth: ideology, political economy and the alternatives By the 1970s, the idea of development had lost much of its swagger and bite. Environmental degradation, in particular, ballooned into a global anxiety. Soon enough, development enthusiasts found themselves in a bind. Could economic prosperity be pursued ‘as if nature did not matter’? The World Commission on Environment and Development (also known as the Brundtland Commission) in a much celebrated report in 1987 sought to overcome the development–environment impasse by talking up the term ‘sustainable development’. Rohan D’Souza | March 2017 | Strategic Analysis
UNSC Resolution 2321 and the DPRK? In a strong response to the nuclear warhead test of Pyongyang on September 9, 2016, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) at its 7821st meeting, held on November 30, 2016, adopted Resolution 2321 (2016)—officially known as S/RES/2321—imposing fresh sanctions on the DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea). The Resolution specifically imposes restrictions on the DPRK’s exports that assist Pyongyang in generating revenue for its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes. Jagannath P. Panda | March 2017 | Strategic Analysis
Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership: India’s Contribution to Strengthening Nuclear Security In the 21st century, nuclear security (NS) risks are more tangible with the probability of nuclear weapons and materials falling into the hands of terrorists becoming more real. The NS threat scenario presents a complex matrix of violent terrorism, Islamist militancy, a proliferation network originating from Pakistan (A. Q. Khan Network) and its spread to Iran, Libya and North Korea. To mitigate nuclear risks and inspire global nuclear confidence, an institutionalized structure is critical for strengthening NS. Reshmi Kazi | March 2017 | Strategic Analysis
Globalization of the Jihadist Threat: Case Study of Trinidad and Tobago Despite a well-integrated Muslim population, and an environment where there is no tangible discrimination or lack of opportunity, the Jihadist ideology has succeeded in taking root in Trinidad. Links with organized crime have helped fuel the movement and strong links have been forged with ISIS and Al-Qaeda with the result that at least 89 Trinidadians are now in Syria. It is also argued that some Trinidadian Muslims have succumbed to the messages broadcast by ISIS and that the lure of fighting for an Islamic Caliphate has found resonance. Sanjay Badri-Maharaj | March 2017 | Strategic Analysis
Cambodia–Thailand Sovereignty Disputes: Implications for Cambodia’s Strategic Environment and Defence Organization This article analyses two security challenges facing the Royal Cambodian Government (RGC) and the Cambodian Defence Organization at the strategic level for the next decade. The first obvious challenge relates to the stalemated territorial dispute along the Cambodia–Thailand border, particularly the question of ownership of the Preah Vihear (called PhraViharn in Thailand) temple and its surrounding area since October 2008. Veasna Var | March 2017 | Strategic Analysis
Bangladesh and the Rohingya: Implications of Refugee Re-location to Thengar Char Island Bangladesh may be able to manage the Rohingya refugee problem only as a short-term expedient, albeit with considerable economic implications. Gautam Sen | February 28, 2017 | IDSA Comments
Whither the Mexican Air Force Combat Fleet? The main threat to Mexico comes from illegal privately-operated aircraft which are heavily involved in smuggling. The inability of the Mexican Air Force to guarantee the integrity of its own airspace is therefore a matter of concern. Sanjay Badri-Maharaj | February 28, 2017 | IDSA Comments
Rebooting the Defence Budget There is a strong case for abandoning the present approach of looking at the defence budget through the narrow prism of allocation and utilisation, and instead focus on outcomes. Amit Cowshish | February 28, 2017 | IDSA Comments
Trump and Israeli Settlements Expansion It is in the US interest not to encourage Israeli policies that could possibly lead to further radicalisation of Palestinians. Gautam Sen | February 22, 2017 | IDSA Comments
An Analysis of the Internal Security Budget 2017-18 For the financial year 2017-18, the Ministry of Home Affairs(MHA) has been allocated Rs. 83,823 crore, a hike of around 11.5 per cent over that of the previous year. Though the Union government has been providing substantial budget support to the MHA to aid its reform and modernisation programs, the ministry’s efforts to bring about desired reforms have shown mixed results so far. Pushpita Das | February 21, 2017 | IDSA Comments