Too Early to Celebrate! The Decline of Somali Piracy off the East Coast of Africa The pirates of Somalia constitute one one of the greatest threats to maritime security in modern time.Their operations started amidst the political instability, economic crisis and state collapse that characterised the fall of the Siad Barre regime in Somalia in 1991. Samuel Oyewole | November 2017 | Strategic Analysis
Muslim Traditionalism and Violence in the Middle East In recent years, especially after the 9/11 attacks on America, Western academics and policy-makers have increasingly viewed Islam as an inherently violent religion and Muslims as terrorists. Mohammed Nuruzzaman | November 2017 | Strategic Analysis
Korea’s Cultural Diplomacy: An Analysis of the Hallyu in India Korea’s rapid economic transformation from being one of the poorest countries during the 1950s to becoming a member of the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 1996 surprised the world, and is often considered the ‘Miracle on the Han River’. Within a period of a few decades, Korea became an economic powerhouse and one of the largest producers and exporters of steel, ships, automobiles, cell phones, etc. In recent years Hallyu or the ‘Korean Wave’ has taken the world by surprise. Ranjit Kumar Dhawan | November 2017 | Strategic Analysis
Waiting for Godot*: India and United Nations Security Council Reform This article analyses the history of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) reform with a particular focus on India’s aspiration and attempts to become a permanent member on the Council. The primary objectives of this historical examination are to appreciate how hard reforming the UNSC is and to understand how challenging it will be for India to acquire a permanent seat on the Council. Probing the General Assembly debates on UNSC reform, the article exposes the fundamental hurdles to change, the duplicity of the permanent five (P-5) and lack of unity among the stakeholders. Rajeesh Kumar | November 2017 | Strategic Analysis
Disaster Relief as a Political Tool: Analysing Indian and Chinese Responses after the Nepal Earthquakes In the aftermath of the 2015 earthquakes in Nepal, China and India immediately sent relief teams. The relief efforts in Nepal showcase a competitive aspect of the two major regional powers, as China seeks to gradually increase its influence in South Asia. This article analyses how these two governments utilised relief efforts to increase influence in Nepal, within the wider context of the contentious Sino–Indian relationship. The Chinese and Indian relief responses after the Nepal earthquakes are extrapolated to assess their strategic utility. Bibek Chand | November 2017 | Strategic Analysis
How North Korea was Armed China and to a lesser extent Pakistan have helped North Korea with its nuclear and missile development programmes. Prabha Rao | October 30, 2017 | Issue Brief
South Asian Geopolitics: Has Pakistan Lost its Plot? Fighting to the End: The Pakistan Army’s Way of War, by C. Christine Fair, New York: Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 343, £27.99 Defeat is an Orphan: How Pakistan Lost the Great South Asian War, by Myra MacDonald, London: Hurst & Co., 2017, pp. 328, £25.00‘ Abhay Kumar Singh | October 2017 | Journal of Defence Studies
High End in the Pacific: Envisioning the Upper Limits of India-US Naval Cooperation in Pacific-Asia The article argues that India and the United States are poised to strengthen their bilateral strategic convergences, not only in the Indian Ocean but also in Pacific-Asia that lies eastwards of the Malacca Straits, and wherein India’s geo-strategic stakes as well as its military-strategic footprint are likely to increase in the coming years. This would progressively enhance the complementarities between their navies in the western Pacific and its contiguous seas, thereby enabling substantive naval cooperation towards ensuring security and stability in the broader Indo-Pacific region. Gurpreet S Khurana | October 2017 | Journal of Defence Studies
The Trump Challenge to the JCPOA Trump’s new policy statement on Iran has enveloped the UNSC-approved Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in a shroud of uncertainty that could lead to further instability in conflict-ridden West Asia. S. Samuel C. Rajiv | October 24, 2017 | IDSA Comments
India’s Strategic Connect with the World The various connectivity projects put forward by India show its involvement as an investor in capacity-building efforts in the recipient countries across sectors of their particular needs and choices, not as an overarching and imposing economic power. Sreemati Ganguli | October 23, 2017 | IDSA Comments