India in Australia Group: What does it mean for India? India became the member of Australia Group (AG) in January 2018. Ironically, the Indian media quoted the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) immediately after getting admitted into the group that… Continue reading India in Australia Group: What does it mean for India? Arvind Kumar | January-June 2018 | CBW Magazine
Economic Sanctions and Chemical-Biological Weapons To secure foreign and security policy ends, several Western states and international organisations have employed economic sanctions.1 Through the years, sanctions have been imposed to attain a range of objectives—including… Continue reading Economic Sanctions and Chemical-Biological Weapons Rishika Chauhan | January-June 2018 | CBW Magazine
Agni 5 Tested: What Next? Weapon development programs are successful when technological innovations are matched with national strategic goals. Further development of the Agni-5 should be based on the objectives of adding to the overall combat potential and augmenting deterrence. Kishore Kumar Khera | January 25, 2018 | IDSA Comments
Pakistan’s Dam Despair Pakistan’s determination to build the Diamer Basha Dam (DBD) project with indigenous funding may prove even more difficult than obtaining foreign funding. Priyanka Singh | January 23, 2018 | IDSA Comments
CWC Fourth Review Conference: Key Areas of Focus A discussion was held at Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) during the recent Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) coalition meeting and during the eighth open ended working group… Continue reading CWC Fourth Review Conference: Key Areas of Focus Nivedita Das Kundu | January-June 2018 | CBW Magazine
Additive Manufacturing in Aerospace and Defence Sector: Strategy of India Additive manufacturing (AM), also popularly known as 3-D printing, is revolutionising the global manufacturing landscape. The proliferation of AM technology has had a huge impact on the design and production capability of the manufacturing industry. At the same time, the technology to mimic and print real parts has huge implications for a country’s defence capability and security. Prakash Panneerselvam | January-March 2018 | Journal of Defence Studies
Turkey’s Afrin Offensive can pitch Ankara against both Washington and Moscow Turkey's resolve to dislodge the Democratic Union Party (PYD) from Afrin, a Kurdish enclave in northern Syria adjacent to the Turkish border, will be seriously tested by the US and Russian opposition to military action against the Kurds. Md. Muddassir Quamar | January 22, 2018 | IDSA Comments
High Command: British Military Leadership in the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, by Christopher L. Elliott Defeats are orphans and very educative. Most defeats are, in fact, manifestation of erroneous judgments or equipment failure, or a combinations of the two. In case the defeats are of military force application then the costs are very high. The United Kingdom’s (UK) military missions and the losses in Iraq and Afghanistan can be classified as failures, if not outright defeats, and have thrown up significant lessons about its higher defence management. Kishore Kumar Khera | January-March 2018 | Journal of Defence Studies
Fighting Falcon: The End of an Era? Is the termination of an unprecedented 40-year production run of the F-16 an indication of the beginning of the end for this versatile combat aircraft? Kishore Kumar Khera | January 19, 2018 | IDSA Comments
A Longue Durée Perspective on Military Science in India This article posits that military science has been one of the most neglected subjects in Indian history in practice and in scholarship. Greater, popular scholarly focus tends to be mostly on subjects dealing with grand strategy and with it, abstract armchair theorising. While grand strategy is necessary at the political–military level, it is not sufficient as victory or defeat also depends on the capacity of the armed forces to achieve the desired results during the conduct of war. P. K. Gautam | January-March 2018 | Journal of Defence Studies