Mission Overseas: Daring Operations by the Indian Military, by Sushant Singh Military history has four main genres. The first is the ‘official’ military history, or a military historian’s narrative. It is a narration of facts given as accurately as possible, written in an academic manner with maps and sketches. These are difficult to follow by non-military readers and, for that reason, are almost never read by them. The second category are reminiscences (autobiographies or biographies) of those who took part in wars—mostly in important and commanding positions. Ghanshyam Katoch July-September 2018 Journal of Defence Studies
Iran Sanctions: India’s Options Given that Iran accounts for around 10 per cent of India total oil imports, the immediate factor for New Delhi will be to look at various options to deal with the situation without jeopardising its energy security. Shebonti Ray Dadwal July 12, 2018 IDSA Comments
The Battlefields of Imphal: The Second World War and North East India, by Hemant Singh Katoch In 2013, in a poll on ‘Britain’s Greatest Battle’, the twin victories at Imphal–Kohima during the Second World War were voted as the winner of the poll. If one recalls popular representations of World War II in this part of the world, what comes to mind immediately is the film The Bridge on the River Kwai, starring Alec Guinness. That the Japanese had reached the eastern borders of British India and posed a great threat to the war effort is something that people may take time to recollect. Y.M. Bammi July-September 2018 Journal of Defence Studies
Curbing Fake News Eradicating the fake news problem calls for a collective effort of individuals, governments, social media and content platforms, and innovative technology solutions. Munish Sharma July 11, 2018 IDSA Comments
Averting India’s Fall into a Geopolitical Trap Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made a foreign policy course-correction after realising that the strategic tilt towards the United States has not only grossly upset India’s geopolitical image but also undermined national interests. P. Stobdan July 06, 2018 IDSA Comments
India and the UAE: Progress towards ‘Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’ The way forward for New Delhi is to seize the momentum and develop a strategic partnership with the UAE to safeguard its core national interests while avoiding regional entanglements. Md. Muddassir Quamar July 05, 2018 Issue Brief
Return of the Persian Puzzle While it is necessary to identify and shore up the convergence of interest between India and Iran, it is equally important to recognize differences and pitfalls. P. R. Kumaraswamy July 05, 2018 IDSA Comments
Unmanned Trans-Atlantic Journey – A New Beginning Will the first-ever trans-Atlantic flight of a Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle change the course of aviation and tilt the balance in favour of unmanned aircraft? Kishore Kumar Khera July 02, 2018 IDSA Comments
China’s contingencies and globalisation China’s Contingencies and Globalisation was initially published as a special issue of the Third World Quarterly and consisted of papers presented at the Seventh Annual Global Studies Conference at Shanghai University, in June 2015. The current volume has three sections. The first four chapters of the book focus on impact of globalisation on China; the second section consisting of three chapters examines the economic transformation of China after the opening up; while the last four papers concentrate on the broader themes of the changing society, religion and culture in China. Rajiv Ranjan July 2018 Strategic Analysis
Analysing China’s soft power strategy and comparative Indian initiatives Soft power has become a new currency of power in international relations. It assumes more significance with countries that are sovereign equals but vulnerable to dominance and hegemonic actions by powerful states in international system. Especially in countries that are extremely sovereignty-sensitive, actions through soft power becomes more acceptable as a means of intervention whether it is economic or cultural investment Of dominant powers. American soft power is much more about the attractiveness of America as a liberal democracy. Smruti S. Pattanaik July 2018 Strategic Analysis