The Line of Control: Travelling with Indian and Pakistani Armies, by Happymon Jacob India–Pakistan relations have become more complicated in the aftermath of the Pulwama attack that took place in February 2019, on the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel in the most volatile territory of India, Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). That the diplomatic ties between the two countries are arguably decided by what happens in the state has never been understated—precisely why Kashmir has remained the focus of study for experts on the topic. Shrabana Barua | July-September 2019 | Journal of Defence Studies
Everything Under the Heavens: How the Past Helps Shape China’s Push for Global Power The reformist and open policy which Beijing adopted in late 1978 has transformed the overall structure of Chinese economy, society as well as its military. It is because of the success of this that China moved from an agrarian under-developed country to become the world’s factory. Its growth has made China the second largest global economy. The economic transformation has entailed significant investments in military modernisation and pursuit of advanced defence technology. Gunjan Singh | July 2019 | Strategic Analysis
Pakistan Adrift: Navigating Troubled Waters There is no dearth of literature emphasizing the role of domestic and international factors for the predominance of the military over civilian institutions in Pakistan. Some scholars relate it to military’s growing economic interests, while others attribute it to military’s ‘Guardians of the Nation’ complex involving a militarily superior India, unsettled borders and irredentist claims from Afghanistan that make external security a high priority. Syeda Sumaya Mehdi | July 2019 | Strategic Analysis
Why Terrorist Groups Form International Alliances The menace of terrorism has existed for centuries, but its modern, transnational version has ‘metastasized’ to the extent of threatening global peace and security. In 1975, security expert Brian Jenkins observed: ‘Terrorists want a lot of people watching and not a lot of people dead.’ Adil Rasheed | July 2019 | Strategic Analysis
Xi Jinping’s China There are several significant events which preceded China’s constitutional amendment of March 2018 that removed the presidential term limit boosting Xi Jinping’s standing as China’s prospective leader-for-life. Born to a revolutionary leader, Xi Zhongxun, Xi Jinping spent most of his life serving the government, gradually working his way up the hierarchy. His precedence in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and authority over all political institutions of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) have arguably placed him at par with Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping. Atmaja Gohain Baruah | July 2019 | Strategic Analysis
India-China Relations: 1947–2000 – A Documentary Study (5 Volumes) Generations of scholars and analysts working on India-China issues will be grateful to Mr. Avtar Singh Bhasin for the extraordinary service he has done to them by bringing into the public domain, in five volumes, important texts on the subject—over 2,500 of them—including many that are still not declassified by the Ministry of External Affairs and transferred for public access to the National Archives of India. He was able to do so because he got ready access to material classified as ‘secret’ or ‘top secret’ in the papers lying with the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library. Jayant Prasad | July 2019 | Strategic Analysis
Connectivity is No Panacea for an Unprepared Northeast India In the apparently lackadaisical environment of North East India, ‘connectivity’ is the new energiser. From Manipur bordering Myanmar, to Assam bordering Bhutan and Bangladesh; everyone is looking to connectivity with ASEAN and the immediate neighbourhood in the East, as a vehicle of growth. Pratim Ranjan Bose | July 2019 | Strategic Analysis
Political Indifference and State Complicity: The Travails of Hazaras in Balochistan Pakistan is a forbidding place for minorities—confessional, sectarian and ideological. Violence, direct and structural and exacted with eerie regularity has ghettoised minority communities and forced them to flee. Among them, no other community is being subjected to such annihilatory violence as the Hazaras in the Balochistan province. Hazaras are an ethnic group predominantly based in Afghanistan, but also with a sizeable population in Pakistan, with estimates ranging between 650,000 and 900,000. Shakoor Ahmad Wani | July 2019 | Strategic Analysis
Terrorism Can and Should be Defined. But How? The debate over what constitutes terrorism spans a wide, diverse and largely a competing body of intellectual strands. In particular, the lack of consensus on the need (or otherwise) for a universally acceptable definition or no definition at all characterizes the discursive dynamics of the definitional subfield. Conversely, there is a persistent tendency of circumspection to embrace methodologies, e.g. case study frameworks, that can prove to be more helpful in conceptualizing terrorism. Muhammad Feyyaz | July 2019 | Strategic Analysis
Considered Chaos: Revisiting Pakistan’s ‘Strategic Depth’ in Afghanistan Pakistan’s historical insecurity towards India and the Islamisation of its military raises a curious question of strategy and identity rooted in Pakistan’s political genesis. This article examines the social and geostrategic factors underpinning Pakistan’s Afghanistan approach between its inheritance of security principles from colonial administration after Partition, and the Taliban’s capture of Kabul in 1996 and beyond. This article also critically analyses the existing link between the Taliban and Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI). Aidan Parkes | July 2019 | Strategic Analysis