Line on Fire: Ceasefire Violations and India–Pakistan Escalation Dynamics, by Happymon Jacob While contending the prevailing realists’ explanation of war happening because of power struggle, John Vasquez argues in his book, The War Puzzle Revisited, that a majority of wars are fought over territory, either to defend or occupy it. According to Vasquez, territorial disputes between two countries are ‘much more war-prone’ than others. Nazir Ahmad Mir July-September 2019 Journal of Defence Studies
Defence Agenda for Modi Government 2.0 Implementing the outlined 27 reform measures in four broad areas – Planning, Defence Budget, Acquisition and Make in India – would strengthen defence preparedness and build a credible defence industrial base. Laxman Kumar Behera June 06, 2019 Policy Brief
WhatsApp: One Call away from being a spyware The WhatsApp bug brings to light the same old dilemma between safeguarding individual privacy and enabling the state to undertake surveillance in the interest of security. Kritika Roy June 03, 2019 IDSA Comments
Power Defiance Redefined The Arms Trade Treaty is flawed and requires strengthening. Ratified States need to take the lead in fortifying the Treaty before more member States are asked to join. Kanica Rakhra May 29, 2019 IDSA Comments
Rising US-Iran Hostilities and Challenges for India While India is likely to meet the shortfall in its crude oil imports, the Trump administration’s sanctions on Iran have the potential to either seriously damage India’s ties with Iran or hinder the strategic partnership with the United States. Md. Muddassir Quamar May 24, 2019 Issue Brief
Modi’s Agenda 2.0 for the Middle East During his first term, Modi had invested considerable political capital in cultivating critical players. The second term should enable him to reap the fruits of his political investments and elevate his engagements to a higher level. P. R. Kumaraswamy May 24, 2019 IDSA Comments
Design and Development of Equipment by DRDO, DPSUs and Ordnance Factories There is a need to make it clear in the text of Paragraph 72 of DPP 2016 that no vendor other than the Development-cum-Production partner or the nominated Production Agency will be permitted to enter the tendering process at the post prototype development stage. Amit Cowshish May 24, 2019 IDSA Comments
US-China Trade War and the High Technology Sector In this era of complex interdependence, sudden disruptions in supply chains will not only hurt Chinese businesses in the US and elsewhere, but also damage the US economy as well as its reputation as a business destination. Munish Sharma May 22, 2019 IDSA Comments
Xi’s Belt-Road Initiative: Recalibration, Strategic Imperatives While still in the evolution stage, BRI has the potential to be a game changer in China’s quest to shape a ‘Sino-Centric’ Global Order. G.G. Dwivedi May 22, 2019 IDSA Comments
Implications of the ISIS ‘province’ in Kashmir If Baghdadi has possibly moved toward the east, then the proclamation of an Indian branch flashes a note of caution for the security and intelligence agencies. Uddipan Mukherjee May 17, 2019 IDSA Comments