Land Warfare in the Indian Context: Time for a Transformative Shift? The Indian Army is in the process of a transformative effort, envisaging changes not only at the apex level, within the Army Headquarters, but also in the field, with the concept of Integrated Battle Groups likely to be implemented soon. The past record of major changes within the army suggests an incremental approach, and also disconnect between doctrinal thought and restructuring. The only exception were the changes post the 1975 military reforms. Vivek Chadha | July-September 2019 | Journal of Defence Studies
HQ Integrated Defence Staff in the National Security Structure The Headquarters Integrated Defence Staff (HQ IDS) was one of the major structures raised after the Kargil conflict of 1999, representing, for the first time since independence, a step towards integration of the three armed forces with other relevant elements of power. This article situates and examines the functions of HQ IDS in the broader context of India’s national security architecture. It begins by giving a historical overview of the higher defence organisation in India, the issues pertaining to its security architecture, and the far-reaching impact of Kargil on these. Satish Dua | July-September 2019 | Journal of Defence Studies
Chemical Concerns: Raising Suspicion about Myanmar’s Covert CW Capability In late November 2019, the US representative Thomas DiNanno raised Myanmar’s non-compliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) in a statement to the 24th CSP (Conference of State Parties) at… Continue reading Chemical Concerns: Raising Suspicion about Myanmar’s Covert CW Capability Animesh Roul | July-December 2019 | CBW Magazine
The Evolution of India’s National Security Architecture The Kargil War of 1999 focussed the nation’s attention on shortcomings in India’s national security management system, which was largely inherited from the British in 1947. A comprehensive review resulted in a major overhaul, ensuring tighter coordination between the various security structures, reforming the higher defence organisation, and bringing in a holistic approach, recognising the political, economic, technological, ecological and sociological factors impacting on national security. P. S. Raghavan | July-September 2019 | Journal of Defence Studies
The OIC’s Double Standards While the OIC is critical of India, it remains wary of treading on China’s toes when it comes to civil and religious rights of the Uyghur Muslims. The OIC reports also turn a Nelson’s eye to Pakistan’s treatment of its own ethnic Muslim minorities. The OIC has disregarded the fact that India is a democratic and secular country, where every citizen is free to practice one’s religion. Amb. Sujan R. Chinoy | July 19, 2019 | IDSA Comments
Need to Protect Soldiers from False FIRs The vulnerability of soldiers to exaggerated, motivated and false FIRs is fundamentally a result of the State preferring to deal with legal issues in disturbed areas within the framework of a law and order problem. Prakash Menon | July 19, 2019 | IDSA Comments
China’s Military Pursuit of Bio-Technology Developments in science and technology (S&T) impact both the character and nature of warfare profoundly. New innovations are turning out to be disruptive and any military which takes the lead… Continue reading China’s Military Pursuit of Bio-Technology Kanchana Ramanujam | July-December 2019 | CBW Magazine
Africa is a Changing: Optimism, Growth and Change It has been a time of great change in the world in the last few years. There is also great change in Africa with greater democratisation, political stability, economic growth and regional integration. There is more movement towards trade and investment and a greater consciousness to use aid with responsibility and not overdo borrowings so that debt management can be well-ordered. A more business-like approach is visible in Africa and among its partners. Gurjit Singh | July-December 2019 | Africa Trends
Africa – India Partnership: African Perspectives It is now the 56th anniversary of the birth of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), precursor of the African Union. The advent of the African Union in 2002 marked a significant milestone and important chapter in the history of the continent. The vision and ?objectives of the African Union focus very much on “people -centered development” and on a transformative agenda. The principal goal of the African Union is to accelerate progress towards an integrated, prosperous and inclusive Africa, at peace with itself, playing a dynamic role in the continental and global arena. Nejmeddine Lakhal | July-December 2019 | Africa Trends
Africa in the Global Order: Indian Perspective As a continent with vast natural, mineral and energy resources, Africa’s global significance in today’s world cannot be disputed. In recent years, Africa has become the centre of global attention with both traditional powers and emerging powers like China, India, Japan, and others engaging the countries in the region. Four specific developments denote the growing importance of Africa in the global order. Michael A.N.N. Oquaye | July-December 2019 | Africa Trends