Ladakh: India’s Gateway to Central Asia Ladakh is one of the largest administrative units in India, in terms of its territory. Due to its contiguity with Xinjiang and Tibet and its close proximity to Central Asia, and enjoying a central position in the network of overland caravan routes that were linked to the Silk Route, Ladakh acted as an important gateway in the Indo-Central Asian exchange of men, materials and ideas through the ages. K. Warikoo May 2020 Strategic Analysis
Draft DPP 2020 – Legacy Issues in Offset Guidelines It would be advisable to review the proposed offset guidelines keeping in view the feedback from the industry, especially the foreign vendors who carry the primary obligation to execute the offset contract, as also the legacy issues. Amit Cowshish April 30, 2020 IDSA Comments
Individual Rights and Collective Good: A Historical Perspective Any dichotomy between the individual rights of the people and the powers of the state has to be dealt with through a nuanced approach. Prakash Menon , Kajari Kamal April 29, 2020 IDSA Comments
COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact on Africa It is the need of the hour that India and the African countries collaborate to control the outbreak of the pandemic and to mitigate its long-term economic impact. Ruchita Beri April 29, 2020 IDSA Comments
COVID-19: Impact on Left Wing Extremism in India Although initially the Maoists suffered some setbacks due to the lockdown, their indulgence in violent incidents over the past one month indicates that they are exploiting the situation to have an upper hand vis-à-vis security forces. Rajbala Rana , Mathew Sinu Simon April 28, 2020 IDSA Comments
Mosaic Warfare: Redefining Future Battlefield Smaller, smarter, potent and cheaper combat entities — linked and networked – will be at the heart of future warfare. Atul Pant April 27, 2020 Issue Brief
COVID-19 and OPEC+ Deal The prevailing environment has underlined the importance of a balanced market to the oil producers. India has been consistently reiterating the need for oil to be priced responsibly to ensure the stability of the oil market. Shebonti Ray Dadwal , Nihar R. Nayak April 24, 2020 IDSA Comments
COVID-19 and India’s Defence Spending The inevitable reprioritisation of the central government’s expenditure in the coming union budgets would affect the resource allocations particularly for big ministries like the MoD, which will be forced to realign their business practices. Laxman Kumar Behera April 24, 2020 IDSA Comments
Conflict in Yemen amid COVID-19 Pandemic The abidance to ceasefire does not mean an end to the conflict, but it surely would work as a confidence-building measure, at least for now, to address the bigger challenge of coronavirus. Meena Singh Roy , Prabhat Jawla April 24, 2020 IDSA Comments
Defence Pension: A Comparative Study of India, US and UK Given the rapidly rising pension liability in India and the concern expressed by the CDS, the experiences of the US and the UK could be useful in carrying out pension reforms in India. Laxman Kumar Behera , Vinay Kaushal , Amit Cowshish April 23, 2020 Policy Brief