Abe Shinzo: Japan’s Visionary Statesman Abe Shinzo made his mark as an astute statesman in international politics with intellectual bandwidth and a global vision to conceptualise grand strategic constructs such as the Free and Open Indo-Pacific anchored on universal values. Titli Basu September 03, 2020 IDSA Comments
In Defence of Non-alignment The era of non-alignment provides immense insights on how visionary leadership seeking to influence international politics could develop ideational frameworks to propel the grand strategy of their choosing. A. Vinod Kumar September 02, 2020 Issue Brief
Text of the Statement by Ambassador M.A. Husain of India to the 1567th Meeting of the First Committee of the United Nations on May 14, 1968 Strategic Analysis, Volume 44, Issue 5 (2020) Special Issue: UN@75 – Challenges Ahead M.A. Husain September 2020 Strategic Analysis
China’s Position towards UN Security Council Reform: Balancing Legitimacy and Efficiency Strategic Analysis, Volume 44, Issue 5 (2020) Special Issue: UN@75 – Challenges Ahead Wencheng Wu September 2020 Strategic Analysis
The United Nations’ Evolution and India’s Role Strategic Analysis, Volume 44, Issue 5 (2020) Special Issue: UN@75 – Challenges Ahead David M. Malone September 2020 Strategic Analysis
The United Nations and Global Environmental Governance Strategic Analysis, Volume 44, Issue 5 (2020) Special Issue: UN@75 – Challenges Ahead Rajeesh Kumar September 2020 Strategic Analysis
The United Nations and Disarmament Strategic Analysis, Volume 44, Issue 5 (2020) Special Issue: UN@75 – Challenges Ahead Manish September 2020 Strategic Analysis
The United Nations and Anthropocenic Governance Adriana Erthal Abdenur , Maiara Folly September 2020 Strategic Analysis
The United Nations and Nuclear Issues Strategic Analysis, Volume 44, Issue 5 (2020) Rajiv Nayan September 2020 Strategic Analysis