Can we Become Wiser from the Havoc of COVID-19? Abstract: COVID-19 sent the whole world and economy into a tailspin. This article first explores the brief history of use of biological weapons. Furthermore, it encapsulates the debates surrounding the… Continue reading Can we Become Wiser from the Havoc of COVID-19? D. Padma Kumar Pillay | July-December 2021 | CBW Magazine
Novichok and Murkier case of Navalny poisoning: Is Russia Flouting Chemical Weapon Convention obligations? Abstract: Novichok nerve agents developed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War emerged as a lethal tool due to their use in attempted assassinations recently. Two such attempts involving… Continue reading Novichok and Murkier case of Navalny poisoning: Is Russia Flouting Chemical Weapon Convention obligations? Animesh Roul | July-December 2021 | CBW Magazine
Interrogating ‘Hyphenated Cultures’: India’s Strategic Culture and its Intelligence Culture In the late 1950s, the concept of 'political culture' was first developed. Towards the end of the Cold War, scholars in International Relations (IR) theory and security studies developed the concept of 'strategic culture'. Over a period, state bureaucracies were thematised by scholars of comparative politics leading to the concept of 'bureaucratic culture'. Lastly, in the second decade of the twenty-first century, a comparative turn in intelligence studies began to emerge with the concept of (national) 'intelligence culture'. Michael Liebig | July-September 2021 | Journal of Defence Studies
WTO TRIPS Waiver and COVID-19 Vaccine Equity The vaccine inequity is not only morally indefensible but clinically counter-productive. Allowing most of the world’s population to go unvaccinated will only spawn new virus mutations. Preventing this humanitarian catastrophe requires removing barriers – such as TRIPS – to vaccine production and its equitable distribution. Rajeesh Kumar | July 12, 2021 | Issue Brief
Israeli Foreign Minister’s Visit to UAE: Taking Abraham Accords Forward Israel and UAE have laid a strong foundation for their relationship by signing the Abraham Accords. While both are prioritising economic cooperation and exploring opportunities in other key sectors, how they build convergences over complex regional issues remains to be seen. Prasanta Kumar Pradhan | July 12, 2021 | IDSA Comments
What Should Define Integration of Armed Forces? Unless the armed forces and the security establishment take a singular approach to warfighting, which includes evolving a singular concept of warfighting, identifying threats and challenges, and medium and long-term capability development goals, differences that make headlines will continue to recur time and again. Vivek Chadha | July 12, 2021 | IDSA Comments
Indigenisation – In Need of Policy Framework There is a need to formulate a composite policy that focuses on indigenisation in high priority technology areas, shedding the notion that it must necessarily result in savings. A more modest and focussed mission-mode approach to indigenisation can produce better results. Amit Cowshish | July 09, 2021 | IDSA Comments
Power to Prevail: China’s ‘Discourse Politics’ as CCP Turns 100 The CCP has invested heavily in telling “China’s Story Well” by amplifying its discourse power. However, looking at China’s discourse politics from an absolutely narrow propaganda lens would be a folly, for the stakes for India are much higher, more nuanced and across multiple domains. Shruti Pandalai | July 08, 2021 | Issue Brief
CCP at 100: Xi Jinping’s Future Foreign Policy Manifesto Xi’s rousing words at CCP’s centenary celebrations have reaffirmed China’s intentions to make every effort in actualising its domestic goals and global ambitions—without holding much regard for the rules-based order. Jagannath P. Panda | July 07, 2021 | Issue Brief
Challenges for Israel’s New Coalition Government The formation of a new coalition government may have ended the two-year-long stalemate in Israeli politics, but considering its razor-thin majority in the parliament and notable differences of opinion among various constituent parties, its sustainability remains to be seen. Jatin Kumar | July 05, 2021 | IDSA Comments