African Union @ 20: Addressing Peace and Security Challenges on the Continent
The African Union (AU) marks its 20th anniversary this year, marking two decades of searching for African solutions for African problems. The recent COVID-19 pandemic and continuous conflicts in some parts of the region have made the going tough. It is clear that as the African Union prepares to celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2022, it should redouble efforts to address the peace and security challenges on the continent.
Can Algeria Be Europe’s Quick Fix for the Energy Conundrum?
Algeria is already in a delicate position of maintaining balance between its energy trade with Europe, and close strategic ties with Russia. Europe is looking for stable and secure energy partners in the current crisis and this is a golden opportunity for Algeria to increase its exports and attract European investments in its hydrocarbon and renewable energy sectors.
Institutions that Shaped India: DRDO, by Ravi Kumar Gupta
With India approaching the 75th year of independence in 2022, there are few institutions that can narrate the roller-coaster journey that the country has taken to become a modern nation. The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), a premier research and development (R&D) wing of the Ministry of Defence (MoD), is one such institution. It is due to the persistent and painstaking efforts of DRDO that the country can hold its head high among the comity of nations in key defence and strategic technologies.
A Game Theoretic Analysis for Ladakh Standoff, 2020
A game theoretic analysis for Ladakh standoff is presented in this article. Starting with Prisoner’s Dilemma (PD) game, a more flexible game, known as De-escalation game is derived by incorporating the concepts of retaliation and non-escalation probabilities in the PD game. It is shown that by including these concepts, many new possibilities open up for India, which permit it to impose penalty on the aggressor.
Evaluating Jointness in the Indian Military: A Conceptual and Methodological Approach
The institutionalisation of jointness in the Indian military is a key driver of ongoing defence reforms. To attain this goal, the Indian Armed Forces are encapsulating principles of joint warfare, inhabiting joint capabilities and inculcating joint culture. However, the pace and process of jointness in the Indian military has been contentious since Independence. This article seeks to evaluate the state and nature of jointness in the Indian military by employing Jackson’s conceptual and methodological model for joint military activities.
Sheikh Hasina’s Visit to Maldives Boosts Bilateral Relationship
The recent visit of Sheikh Hasina to the Maldives provided an opportunity to strengthen the bilateral relationship and enhance connectivity, trade and commerce between the two countries. The visit also signified Bangladesh’s growing importance in the international politics.
Battle Ready for the 21st Century, edited by Lieutenant General A.K. Singh and Brigadier Narender Kumar
Currently and in the next 10–15 years in the Indian subcontinent, warfare is going to be based on multi-domain operations, including land, sea, air, space and information, with information warfare comprising essentially four components: psychological, electronic warfare, cyber and deception. Considering the military and nuclear capabilities of China and Pakistan, the chances of a full-scale conventional war are remote. Wars in the subcontinent will be mainly hybrid and linked to the use of militancy in Jammu and Kashmir and the North-East.
Bridge on the Bay
Look East/Act East Policy rides on the regional cooperation in the Southeast Asian region and our northeast region is the engine to further our cause.
The Kazakh Unrest
Triggered by the recent hike in auto gas prices, the current crisis in Kazakhstan appears to be an expression of the long-term frustrations of common Kazakhs with the political system.