Secularization of Militancy in Kashmir: Myth or Reality? Militancy in Jammu and Kashmir has continued to remain communal, even as ‘secular’ justifications for acts of terror are being professed in the information domain. Tejusvi Shukla | July 04, 2022 | Issue Brief
Neoliberalism in Asia: Under the Lens of Land Acquisition for Development in India and China Through the lens of land acquisition by the State for development in India and China, an extensively and compulsorily strong State intervention has been witnessed. It pushes forward asymmetric neoliberal reforms, draws value surpluses from land development, and frequently uses mandatory coercive measures, when necessary, to accelerate the economic development process. The current reform has not substantially revised, but in fact, has sustained this model of development. Yinghong Huang | July 2022 | Strategic Analysis
Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP): Thailand’s Emic Approach to Governance and Development as Evidence of an Asian Value-Oriented Inclusive Leadership Management Philosophy Thailand has been at the core of the Asian Values debate since the 1992 World Conference on Human Rights. Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) is a concept developed by the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej to consolidate his approach to governance and development. Integrating values borrowed from Theravada Buddhism such as benevolence, emphasis on the middle way and on the public good. This article explores the development of SEP focussing on the role of values and leadership styles. Otto Federico von Feigenblatt , Malcolm Cooper , Phillip Pardo | July 2022 | Strategic Analysis
Asianism – The Indian Sub-Text Going by the economic growth patterns of China, India, Japan, South Korea and ASEAN countries with corresponding decline in the Western economic heft, it was often claimed that the 21st century will be the Asian Century. This might be in doubt due to the pandemic and geopolitical contestation between China and the US, where new faultlines are being drawn. Moreover, India and China being in a potential conflict zone, the dream of the Asian Century might have receded even further. Anil Trigunayat | July 2022 | Strategic Analysis
Sanpo-Yoshi and Corporate Social Responsibility in Japan Discussion on Asia and Asian values is conspicuously absent from existing research in global capitalist society. In order to foster critical debates on ‘Asianism Retold’, we explore how Asian traditional value has been integrated into the contemporary business system. By examining Japan’s traditional values—Sanpo-yoshi, this article explores the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and Asian values. Yoshiki Shinohara , Rebecca Chunghee Kim | July 2022 | Strategic Analysis
Becoming Asian: Asianness as the Counter-Power Among Japanese Migrants The complexity of connectivity is reflected in the migrant’s socialization process. Whilst the socialization process in transnational spaces often leads to further ethnic divisiveness, Japanese migrants who had opportunities to encounter Asian Others gradually embraced an overarching Asian identity in Dublin. The shared liminal status of migrants in the local society contributed to the forging of an emotional pan-Asian solidarity and acted as a form of migrant identity against hegemonic whiteness. Ayako Suzuki | July 2022 | Strategic Analysis
Asianism as Many Altogether: Cosmopolitanism and the Asian Political Imaginary In this article, I seek to understand the pre-European diversity of Asia as a recoverable ideal for a new Asianism, one that takes cosmopolitanism, plurality, and the concrete presence of the Other seriously, as modes of ‘reimperializing’ Asia based on Asian traditions of moral and cultural imagination. Jason Morgan | July 2022 | Strategic Analysis
Digital Vaccines: Web 3.0 Solutions for Chronic Diseases The opportunities for digital vaccines as tools to address modern-day chronic health problems are immense. Krutika Patil | June 30, 2022 | IDSA Comments
Withdrawal of French Troops from Mali The French withdrawal from Mali exacerbates the regional security situation. Sindhu Dinesh | June 24, 2022 | IDSA Comments
Quad’s Maritime Domain Awareness Initiative Needs Time to Deliver The Indo-Pacific Maritime Domain Awareness (IPMDA) Initiative aims to enhance regional maritime security via technology and training support. Shruti Pandalai , Abhay Kumar Singh | June 24, 2022 | IDSA Comments