Challenges before New START and Its Successor If the US and Russia fail to negotiate a successor agreement to New START, there is the possibility of an unrestricted arms race with detrimental implications. Niranjan Chandrashekhar Oak | September 28, 2022 | IDSA Comments
Chinese Targeted Cyber Operations against Taiwan: Key Takeaways for India Taiwan has a robust defensive strategy to counter malicious Chinese cyber activities, including its disinformation campaigns. Krutika Patil | September 28, 2022 | Issue Brief
The Ukraine–Russia Conflict and Nuclear Misinformation The parties involved in the Ukraine–Russia conflict should privilege nuclear risk avoidance measures rather than indulge in nuclear sabre-rattling. Rajiv Nayan | September 23, 2022 | IDSA Comments
Western Hydrocarbon Exodus and Arctic Boycott: Opportunities for India in Russia India needs to seize the opportunities presented by the exit of Western companies from the Russian energy sector. Anurag Bisen | September 15, 2022 | Issue Brief
AI and National Security: Major Power Perspectives and Challenges Advances in Artificial Intelligence will progressively multiply the threats, challenges, and opportunities from the national security perspective. Sanur Sharma | September 12, 2022 | Issue Brief
Assessing the UK–Rwanda Migration Asylum Plan The United Kingdom–Rwanda migration asylum plan is not a long-term solution to the issue of illegal migration into the UK and runs the risk of escalating human insecurity further. Richa Kumaria | September 12, 2022 | IDSA Comments
Narco-Terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) has witnessed a 2000 per cent surge in heroin-related drug seizures between 2017 and 2022, with significant national security and societal consequences. Saman Ayesha Kidwai | September 12, 2022 | IDSA Comments
Counter UAS Technologies for India: A Prognosis Unmanned systems pose grave threat to several countries and their interests due to a number of reasons: low barrier of entry into the procurement sector, commercial availability off the shelf (COTS), ubiquity, persistence and low radar cross section (RCS). Due to this, counter drone systems have been either deployed piecemeal or existing air defence systems have been used to fill the gap. The Indian Armed Forces have a very limited experience of dealing with either drones or counter-drone systems in an operational environment. The Jammu attack using improvised drones was a wake-up call. Akshat Upadhyay | October-December 2022 | Journal of Defence Studies
I2U2: A New Template for Cross-Regional Cooperation The I2U2 is a promising initiative with immense potential for cross-regional cooperation. Md. Muddassir Quamar | September 05, 2022 | Issue Brief
The Pacific Islands and Geopolitical Jostling: Can India Play a Stabilising Role? India can carve a niche as a capacity-builder in helping the southern Pacific countries meet developmental goals and tackle climate change. Shruti Pandalai , Akash Sahu , Shruti Sharma | September 02, 2022 | Issue Brief