India’s Engagement with Central Asia: Exploring Future Directions

Event Report In order to celebrate and build on the twenty years of friendship and cooperation between India and Central Asian Republics, a roundtable on “India’s Engagement with Central Asia:… Continue reading India’s Engagement with Central Asia: Exploring Future Directions

Counter-Insurgency Best Practices and their Applicability in the Northeast

Chairperson: General Satish Nambiar Discussants: Lt Gen Syed Ata Hasnain, Military Secretary, Integrated Headquarters (Army), Ministry of Defence Prof. Rajesh Rajagopalan, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University. Dr. Namrata… Continue reading Counter-Insurgency Best Practices and their Applicability in the Northeast

Estimating Self-Reliance in India’s Defence Production

Chairperson: Shri Vinod MisraDiscussants : Dr Selvamurthy and Shri Amit Cowshish This paper attempts to estimate the self-reliance index of India’s defence production. While estimating the index, it also focuses… Continue reading Estimating Self-Reliance in India’s Defence Production

Talk on “Future Foreign Policy and Strategic Security Challenges for Germany and Europe”

Speaker: Dr. Andreas Schockenhoff, Member of German Bundestag (German Parliament) and Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU- parliamentary group in the German Bundestag for Foreign Affairs, Affairs of the European Union… Continue reading Talk on “Future Foreign Policy and Strategic Security Challenges for Germany and Europe”

Talk on “Comparative Diaspora Politics: The Cases of China and India”

Venue: Room No 005 (Ground Floor)Speaker: Dr Nikola Mirilovic, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Central FloridaChair: Ambassador J C Sharma The term ‘Diaspora’ has gained tremendous currency… Continue reading Talk on “Comparative Diaspora Politics: The Cases of China and India”

Talk by Amb. Carlos Duarte on “India-Brazil Relations”

Speaker: Dr. Carlos Duarte, Ambassador of Brazil to India August 1, 2012 Chair: Amb. R Rajagopalan (Retd.) India’s interaction with Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries, particularly with, has enhanced… Continue reading Talk by Amb. Carlos Duarte on “India-Brazil Relations”

Reframing Institutions: A Study of the Relevance of Southern African Customs Union

Chair: Amb. HHS ViswanathanExternal Discussants: Dr SK MohantyInternal Discussants: Ms Ruchita Beri, Ms. Shebonti Ray Dadwal Major Highlights of the Paper: This paper broadly addresses the significance of the African… Continue reading Reframing Institutions: A Study of the Relevance of Southern African Customs Union

Implications of US Re-balancing to Asia in General and West Asia in Particular

Speaker: Dr. Jon B Alterman, Brzezinski Chair in Global Security and Director, Middle East Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC. Chair: Brig (Retd.) Rumel Dahiya, SM, DDG,… Continue reading Implications of US Re-balancing to Asia in General and West Asia in Particular

One Hundred Years of Kautilya’s Arthasastra

Chair: Dr S KalyanaramanExternal Discussants: Ambassador K P Fabian, Professor Navnita Chadha Behera and Col VMB KrishnanInternal Discussants: Mr. Saurabh Mishra and Ms. Nupur Brahma The central argument of this… Continue reading One Hundred Years of Kautilya’s Arthasastra

The Afghan War Warrants A Paradigmatic Shift for State-Building

Open to all Members; others pl. contact 1030 to 1300 hrs Conference Cell Chair: Dr. Ashok K. BehuriaDiscussants: Prof. Riyaz Punjabi and Dr. D Subachandran, Major Highlights of the Paper:… Continue reading The Afghan War Warrants A Paradigmatic Shift for State-Building