The Growing Chinese Maritime Influence: Implications for Regional Security

Chairperson: Vice Admiral P S Das (Retd)Discussants: Cdr Kamlesh Agnihotri and Dr Krishnendra Meena In order to understand the strategy adopted by China in spreading its maritime influence and implications… Continue reading The Growing Chinese Maritime Influence: Implications for Regional Security

Negotiating conflict in deeply divided societies: The merits of complex and hybrid consociational power sharing systems based on the case studies from South Asia and Eastern Europe

Speaker: Radu Carciumaru, Senior Lecturer, South Asia Institute, University of Heidleberg Mr. Radu Carciumaru delivered a talk on the topic ‘Negotiating conflict in deeply divided societies: The merits of complex… Continue reading Negotiating conflict in deeply divided societies: The merits of complex and hybrid consociational power sharing systems based on the case studies from South Asia and Eastern Europe

Endogenous Politico-Cultural Resources: Kautilya’s Arthashastra and India’s Strategic Culture

Introduction Michael Liebig, a doctoral scholar at Frankfurt University’s political science department, gave a presentation on his still underway Ph.D. thesis titled “Endogenous Politico-Cultural Resources: Kautilya’s Arthashastra and India’s Strategic… Continue reading Endogenous Politico-Cultural Resources: Kautilya’s Arthashastra and India’s Strategic Culture

In Pursuit of a Shield:US, Missile Defence and the Iran Imperative

Chairman: Professor Satish KumarDiscussants: Dr. Probal K. Ghosh, Cdr. Abhijit Singh The paper dealt with US efforts to counter Iran’s missile ‘threat’ and ensure security of its allies like Israel… Continue reading In Pursuit of a Shield:US, Missile Defence and the Iran Imperative

Release of the IDSA report on “India’s Cyber Security Challenge”

Venue: IDSA Auditorium Book release by National Security Advisor, Mr Shivshankar Menon Programme 10:15-10:30 Registration/ Tea 10:30- 10:40 Welcome Remarks Director General, IDSA 10:40-10:50 Introductory Remarks Mr. Nitin Desai, Chairman,… Continue reading Release of the IDSA report on “India’s Cyber Security Challenge”

Does India need a grand strategy?

Chair: Ambassador Satish ChandraDiscussants: Maj General B K Sharma and Dr Happymon Jacob Interrogating the concept of grand strategy and whether India needs a centrally articulated design for the conduct… Continue reading Does India need a grand strategy?

India-Japan-South Korea Trilateral

The First Track II Dialogue among India, Japan and South Korea was held in IDSA on 29 June 2012. This trilateral initiative was conceptualised in a meeting involving the Ambassador… Continue reading India-Japan-South Korea Trilateral

Quality Assurance (QA) in Army Procurements

Chairperson: S KalyanramanDiscussants: Manoj Shrivastava and VS Raghuvanshi Mahendra Prasad began his presentation by focusing on his ongoing research project which attempts to unfurl various aspects of quality assurance (QA)… Continue reading Quality Assurance (QA) in Army Procurements

India’s Engagement with Central Asia: Exploring Future Directions

Event Report In order to celebrate and build on the twenty years of friendship and cooperation between India and Central Asian Republics, a roundtable on “India’s Engagement with Central Asia:… Continue reading India’s Engagement with Central Asia: Exploring Future Directions

Estimating Self-Reliance in India’s Defence Production

Chairperson: Shri Vinod MisraDiscussants : Dr Selvamurthy and Shri Amit Cowshish This paper attempts to estimate the self-reliance index of India’s defence production. While estimating the index, it also focuses… Continue reading Estimating Self-Reliance in India’s Defence Production