India’s Afghan Policy: Beyond Bilateralism

Chairperson: Dr Arvind GuptaDiscussants: Lt Gen Ravi Sawhney (Retd) and Prof Kalim Bahadur Dr Pattanaik’s paper critiqued India’s existing policy towards Afghanistan and offered some recommendations for Indian policy makers… Continue reading India’s Afghan Policy: Beyond Bilateralism

Sea Piracy and India’s Future Role

Commander SS Parmar started his presentation by delineating the scope of the study, which was to study the menace of piracy off the coast of Somalia and in the Gulf… Continue reading Sea Piracy and India’s Future Role

Pakistan as a Factor in Sino –Indian Relations

Chair: Amb (retd) R. RajagopalanDiscussants: Prof. K. R. Sharma and Mr. M. V. Rappai The core argument of Dr. Das’s paper was that the Sino-Pakistani strategic axis has gained salience… Continue reading Pakistan as a Factor in Sino –Indian Relations

National Strategy Lecture – Psychological Science, Strategy and China’s Periphery

There is a strong case for strategists to be psychologists too, as at a certain level they are involved in analysing the thought process of others and attempting to capture… Continue reading National Strategy Lecture – Psychological Science, Strategy and China’s Periphery

Interaction with Dr. Sami Al Faraj, Head of Kuwait Centre for Strategic Studies

Welcoming Dr. Al Faraj, Dr. Arvind Gupta, LBSC noted that the Gulf region of vital strategic interest to India. Historically, India has had close relations with the countries of the… Continue reading Interaction with Dr. Sami Al Faraj, Head of Kuwait Centre for Strategic Studies

China’s Planning on Border Infrastructure: Post 1996 CBM Period

Chairperson: Shri Sheo Nandan PandeyDiscussants: Shri Anil Kumar Gautam and Cdr Kamlesh Agnihotri 1996 was a watershed year when agreements specifying the military CBMs were signed between India and China.… Continue reading China’s Planning on Border Infrastructure: Post 1996 CBM Period

Second YB Chavan Memorial Lecture

Speakers: Shri NN Vohra, Dr Arvind Gupta, Shri RD Pradhan, Prof Kanti Bajpai, Cdr SS Parmar IDSA in collaboration with Yashwantrao Chavan Pratishthan, Mumbai hosted the second lecture in memory… Continue reading Second YB Chavan Memorial Lecture

The Wars of 21st Century So Far: Operational Lessons

Chairperson: Dr S KalyanaramanDiscussants: Professor Srinath Raghavan, Sq Ldr RTS Chhina and Wg Cdr Gregory Hammond, RAF Examining the wars of the 21st century – Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Georgia and… Continue reading The Wars of 21st Century So Far: Operational Lessons

The ‘Arab Spring’: An Israeli Perspective

Speakers: Dr. Efraim Inbar, Dr. Eytan Gilboa and Dr. Mordechai Kedar, The BESA Centre, Israel Chairperson: Dr. Arvind Gupta, LBSC, IDSA A panel Discussion on “The ‘Arab Spring’: An Israeli… Continue reading The ‘Arab Spring’: An Israeli Perspective

The Concept of Autonomy in French Strategic Thought

Chairperson: Bharat WariavwallaDiscussants: Philippe Laurent, Nicolas Blarel, Krishnappa Venkatshamy and Lion Koenig This paper focuses on the concept of strategic autonomy as a defining element of the French strategic culture… Continue reading The Concept of Autonomy in French Strategic Thought