Venue: Seminar Hall-ISpeaker: Minister Dr. Aurelia Frick, Minister of Justice, Foreign Affairs and Cultural Affairs (Liechtenstein)Chair: Ms. Smita Purushottam Dr. Aurelia Frick is one of the current cabinet ministers of… Continue reading Special Address – Role of Small countries in a Globalised World
Speaker: Dr Sunil Khilnani, Starr Foundation Professor, Director of the South Asia Studies Program at the Paul H Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, John Hopkins UniversityVenue: IDSA Auditorium Programme… Continue reading Inaugural Y.B. Chavan Memorial Lecture – The Great Power Game : India in the New World
Venue: Seminar Hall-I Speaker: Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar, former Union Minister for the Development of the North-Eastern Region and currently Honourable Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha
Chair: Dr Rajaram Panda, Cluster Coordinator China and East Asia Cluster Mr. Peter Jennings, Deputy Secretary for Strategy, Department of Defence, Australia, visited IDSA on 6 December for interactions with… Continue reading Special Address – Talk given by Mr Peter Jennings, Deputy Secretary (Strategy), Australia
Lecture delivered by: Professor Sunil Khilnani Topic: The Great Power Game: India in the New World Speakers: Cdr. S.S. Parmar, Mr. R.D. Pradhan, Mr. N.S. Sisodia, Mr. K. Subrahmanyam IDSA… Continue reading Inaugural Y.B. Chavan Memorial Lecture – The Great Power Game: India in the New World – Professor Sunil Khilnani
The run-up to the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s visit to India has been an opportunity for IDSA to interact with eminent experts about Russia’s new domestic and foreign policy initiatives… Continue reading Special Address – Mr. Vladimir Skosyrev on Foreign Policy of Russia under Medvedev and implications for the global world
Chair: Mr. V. Krishnappa Professor Mitra spoke on the topic – Governance, citizenship and India’s counter-factual democracy. In that context he spoke on how India is looked at. Whether democracy… Continue reading National Strategy Lecture – Explaining India’s peaceful transition and what means to India’s future
Chair: Mr. N.S.Sisodia Professor Bardhan spoke on “China and India in the near future – A Political Economy viewpoint”. His comparative analysis of the two emerging giants had statistical and… Continue reading National Strategy Lecture – China and India in the Near Future — A Political-Economy Viewpoint
Despite South Asian having achieved relative progress, multiple factors such as religious extremism, high levels of corruption, inequitable development and mutual distrust among others have led to South Asia being… Continue reading National Strategy Lecture – How to Achieve Sustainable Peace in South Asia
As the world grapples with the after effects of the economic downturn, India has emerged out of it relatively unscathed and is being noticed increasingly on the world stage as… Continue reading National Strategy Lecture – India and the World – the Economic Dimension