Speaker: Ambassador Alessandro Minuto-Rizzo, Deputy Secretary General, NATO
Speaker: Ambassador Alessandro Minuto-Rizzo, Deputy Secretary General, NATO
Dr. M.R. Srinivasan (former Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission) delivering the fourth lecture in this series, titled Nuclear Energy and India’s Energy Security at the IDSA on Friday, August 17, 2007.… Continue reading Eminent Persons’ Lecture Series – Nuclear Energy and India’s Energy Security
Dr Horst Teltschik is Chairman of Munich Conference on Security Council
Shri Vinod Misra, Secretary (Defence Finance)
Hon. Lord Mark Malloch Brown, Foreign Office Minister for Africa, Asia and the United Nations (attending Cabinet)
Prof. Efraim Inbar Director of the Begin-Sadat Centre for Strategic Studies (BESA)
Prof. Azar Gat Professor and the incumbent of the Ezer Weitzman Chair for National Security in the Department of Political Science at Tel Aviv University
Prof Rajiva Wijesinhe, Chairman of Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies (BCIS)