Training for BSF Officers (DIG level)

Defence Doctrine in the Indo-Pak Context

On 12 February 2009, the Military Affairs Cluster organised a Round Table to discuss Defence Doctrines. The aim was to reflect on implications of inter-relatedness of conventional and nuclear doctrines… Continue reading Defence Doctrine in the Indo-Pak Context

Bioterrorism led by Professor Dean Wilkening

IDSA organized a round table on the subject of bioterrorism on February 6, 2009. The main speaker at the event was Prof. Dean Wilkening, Director, Science Programme at Center for… Continue reading Bioterrorism led by Professor Dean Wilkening

11th Asian Security Conference: The Changing Face of Conflict and Strategy in Asia

Concept Note The Asian Security Conference (ASC) is a major calendar event of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. Since 1999, when the conference was first… Continue reading 11th Asian Security Conference: The Changing Face of Conflict and Strategy in Asia

Terror Financing in Bangladesh

Chair: Arvind GuptaDiscussants: Bhaskar Roy and Sanjay Bharadwaj “Terror Financing in Bangladesh” by Dr. Anand Kumar outlined key factors that contribute to terror financing in Bangladesh. Dr. Kumar’s primary argument… Continue reading Terror Financing in Bangladesh

Rethinking Strategic Doctrine in the Indo-Pak Context

Chair: Hari PrasadDiscussants: Arun Sahgal and Manpreet Sethi Strategic doctrine is taken here to be implemented by a combine of war fighting land, air, naval and joint doctrines in conjunction… Continue reading Rethinking Strategic Doctrine in the Indo-Pak Context

Indo-Bangladesh: Opportunities Ahead

The spectacular victory of the Awami League-led Grand Coalition in the Ninth Jatiya Sangsad elections held on December 29, 2008 marks a landmark development in the annals of Bangladesh. This… Continue reading Indo-Bangladesh: Opportunities Ahead

Religious Assertion in Malaysia

Chair: Sudhir DevareDiscussants: Baladas Ghoshal and C. S. Kuppuswamy The major argument of the paper was that the government’s stance with regard to constraining religious assertion in Malaysia has been… Continue reading Religious Assertion in Malaysia

Pakistan’s Strategic Thinking

Chair: V.G PatankarDiscussants: Kalim Bahadur and Ajay D Behera Pakistan’s self image, geographical location and history have influenced the country’s strategic thinking. In the initial years, Pakistan perceived itself to… Continue reading Pakistan’s Strategic Thinking

GCC’S New Avatar and Invigorating India’s Interests

Chair: Ishrat AzizDiscussants: A. K. Pasha and Anwar Alam Even with differences among some individual member states and the hostile Gulf environment, GCC countries have still managed to maintain good… Continue reading GCC’S New Avatar and Invigorating India’s Interests