Chair: Lt Gen Y M Bammi (Retd)External Discussants: Lt Gen Y M Bammi (Retd) and Ambassador S K BhutaniInternal Discussants: Group Captain Naval Jagota and Mr Avinash Godbole
Chair: Lt Gen Y M Bammi (Retd)External Discussants: Lt Gen Y M Bammi (Retd) and Ambassador S K BhutaniInternal Discussants: Group Captain Naval Jagota and Mr Avinash Godbole
Chair: Maj Gen Ashok K Mehta (Retd)External Discussants: Capt (IN) Alok Bansal and Dr Abanti BhattacharyaInternal Discussants: Dr Nihar Nayak and Dr Prashant Kumar Singh
Media person accredited with foreign media and foreign diplomats may seek prior permission from DDG, IDSA @ telephone no. 26146832. 1030 to 1300 hrs
Chair: Dr W SelvamurthyExternal Discussants: Rear Admiral (Retd) S Kulshrestha and Col Deepak KohliInternal Discussants: Col Vivek Chadha (Retd) and Dr Cherian Samuel
Participation in the Fellow Seminars is by invitation only. Media person accredited with foreign media and foreign diplomats may seek prior permission from DDG, IDSA @ telephone no. 26146832. 1030… Continue reading Sectarianism, Arab Spring and Saudi Foreign Policy
Participation in the Fellow Seminars is by invitation only. Media person accredited with foreign media and foreign diplomats may seek prior permission from DDG, IDSA @ telephone no. 26146832. 1030… Continue reading Changing Geopolitics of Gas: Implications for India
Participation in the Fellow Seminars is by invitation only. Media person accredited with foreign media and foreign diplomats may seek prior permission from DDG, IDSA @ telephone no. 26146832. 1030… Continue reading Peacekeeping and Peace-building: Indian Engagements
Participation in the Fellow Seminars is by invitation only. Media person accredited with foreign media and foreign diplomats may seek prior permission from DDG, IDSA @ telephone no. 26146832. 1030… Continue reading Significance of Border Trade in India’s Border Management
Participation in the Fellow Seminars is by invitation only. Media person accredited with foreign media and foreign diplomats may seek prior permission from DDG, IDSA @ telephone no. 26146832. 1030… Continue reading BCIM and India-China Sub-Regional Interaction: Will Economic Interdependence prevail over Security Syndrome?