Defense Offsets: Promises and Problems

Open to all Members; others pl. contact 1030 to 1300 hrs Conference Cell Chairperson: Shri Vinod MisraDiscussant: Shri Deba R Mohanty

Impact of Local State Politics on Indo- Bangladesh Relations

Chairperson: Ambassador I P KhoslaDiscussants: Shri K Srinivasan, Shri Anil Kamboj and Dr Joyeeta Bhattacharjee

Equipping UN Forces: Challenges & Remedies

Open to all Members; others pl. contact 1030 to 1300 hrs Conference Cell Chair: Shri Amit Cowshish External Discussant: Col P Chandok and Col S Bhatia

Emerging Powers and Africa

Open to all Members; others pl. contact 1030 to 1300 hrs Conference Cell Chairperson: Ambassador Rajiv BhatiaDiscussants: Shri Ravi Bangar and Shri Manish Chand

Federalising India’s Neighbourhood Policy: Balancing the State Interest with the National

Open to all Members; others pl. contact 1030 to 1300 hrs Conference Cell Chairperson: Shri Rajiv SikriDiscussants: Dr Suresh K Goel, Dr Nitya Nanda and Prof. Rekha Saxena

Land Locked and Transit Developing Countries: Nepal’s Transit Trade Negotiations with India

Chairperson: Lt Gen Y M Bammi (Retd) Discussants: Dr Nisha Taneja and Dr Ram Upendra Das

North Korea’s Nuclear Crisis: Strategic Implications

Turkey and its Quest for Leadership Role in the Region

Chairperson: Brig Rumel Dahiya, SM (Retd)External Discussants: Shri Saeed Naqvi, Professor Ashwini Mahapatra and Col Ravinder GurungInternal Discussants: Dr Ashok K Behuria and Dr P. K. Pradhan

Media and India-China Relationship

Chairperson: Venu RajamonyExternal Discussants: Srikanth Kondapalli and Indrani BagchiInternal Discussants: Shruti Pandalai amd Bijoy Das

ASEAN in Myanmar’s Foreign Policy

Open to all Members; others pl. contact 1030 to 1300 hrs Conference Cell