Sky’s no Limit: An Evaluation of Space-based Solar Power as the Next Major Step in the Indo-US Strategic Partnership

Chair: Jasjit SinghDiscussants: V. Siddhartha and Subodh Kumar

India’s Nuclear Command and Control: Perspectives from Organization Theory

Chair: K SanthanamDiscussants: Gurmeet Kanwal and Manpreet Sethi

India and Nuclear Disarmament: Perceptions and Prospects

Chairperson: Ramesh PhadkeDiscussants: Swadesh Rana and Swaran Singh

Military Modernisation in Southeast Asia: China Factor or Interstate Conflicts?

Chairperson: Ramesh V PhadkeDiscussants: Chintamani Mahapatra and Shishir Upadhyaya

Mixed Messages: India’s Use of Coercive Diplomacy in the 2001-02 Crisis

Chairperson: V. G. PatankarDiscussants: I. P. Khosla and Swaran Singh

Civil – Military Relations

Chairperson: Amitabh MatooDiscussants: Mohan Guruswamy and Ashok Mehta

Management of Medical Stores in Indian Armed Forces

Non-State Actors and South Asia: A Regional Profile

Chairperson: Ramesh V Phadke Discussants: Kalim Bahadur and Alok Bansal

Recent Trends in Myanmar-US Relations: Implications for Myanmar’s Political System

Dr. Udai Bhanu Singh, in his paper, pointed out that the United States has been critical of the military regime in Myanmar. The US approach towards Myanmar was essentially based… Continue reading Recent Trends in Myanmar-US Relations: Implications for Myanmar’s Political System

Politics of Taliban Reintegration and Reconciliation in Afghanistan

Chairperson: Ramesh V PhadkeDiscussants: Mahendra Ved and Adil Mehdi