Strategic Nuclear Terms, Definitions, Explanations and Explorations

Venue: Room NO #005 (Ground Floor), IDSA Speaker: Dr G. Balachandran, Consulting Fellow, IDSA

Future Direction of India’s Deterrent

Topic: “Future Direction of India’s Deterrent” Chair: Prof. Rajesh Rajagopalan (JNU) Speaker: Dr. Vipin Narang (MIT) & Ali Ahmed (IDSA) Discussant: Dr. Manpreet Sethi(CAPS) The IDSA Centre for Military Affairs… Continue reading Future Direction of India’s Deterrent

Private Sector Participation in Defence Production: Issues of Industrial Licensing and FDI

Venue: Room No 005, IDSA Concept Note It is more than decade now since the Government of India in a major policy initiative liberalised the defence industry in 2001, by… Continue reading Private Sector Participation in Defence Production: Issues of Industrial Licensing and FDI

India’s Regional Role and Relations to Afghanistan, Pakistan, China and Burma

Venue: Board Room, IDSA A five member delegation headed by the Swedish State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Frank Belfrage is visiting IDSA for a roundtable on, “India’s Regional Role and… Continue reading India’s Regional Role and Relations to Afghanistan, Pakistan, China and Burma

War on Terror in the Post-Osama Phase

Jointly organised by MAKAIAS & IDSAVenue: Room # 005, Ground Floor, IDSA Programme 10:30 – 11:00 A.M Arrival of Guests Tea/Coffee 11:00 – 11:05 A.M. Welcome Address by Dr. Arvind… Continue reading War on Terror in the Post-Osama Phase

India’s Engagement with Central Asia: Exploring Future Directions – Concept Note

Venue: Room 005, IDSA IDSA is organizing a roundtable on “India’s Engagement with Central Asia: Exploring Future Directions” to celebrate Twenty Years of Friendship and Cooperation between India and Central… Continue reading India’s Engagement with Central Asia: Exploring Future Directions – Concept Note

Taming India’s Maoists: Surrender and Rehabilitation

Chairperson: Shri Ved Marwah Panelists: Lt Gen Vijay Ahluwalia (Retd), Former GOC-in-C, Central Command, Lucknow Shri M A Ganapathi, IPS, Joint Secretary, Naxal Management, MHA Dr Ashok Behuria, Research Fellow,… Continue reading Taming India’s Maoists: Surrender and Rehabilitation

NAM Positions on Nuclear Issues

Venue: Room 005, IDSA Chairperson: Dr. Arvind Gupta, Director General, IDSA Panelist: Amb. R. Rajagopalan, Amb. Yogendra Kumar, Dr. Manpreet Sethi, Brig. Gurmeet Kanwal and S. Samuel C. Rajiv

How DPSUs / Ordnance Factories Could Spearhead Transformation of Indian Defence Industrial Base

Venue: Room No 005, IDSA Concept Note 1. In the quest for self-reliance in the crucial sector of defence, the Government has been continuing its efforts to indigenize defence equipment… Continue reading How DPSUs / Ordnance Factories Could Spearhead Transformation of Indian Defence Industrial Base

Interaction with delegation from John Hopkins University

Venue: Room 005, IDSA