Talk by Jia Haitao on China’s One Belt, One Road (OBOR) Initiative and India

Venue: Room no. 105, IDSA Prof. Jia Haitao is Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Jinan University, Guangzhou. Prof. Jia is also the Director of Chindian Studies at… Continue reading Talk by Jia Haitao on China’s One Belt, One Road (OBOR) Initiative and India

Talk by Devesh Kapur on China’s Role in the Asian & Global Financial Architecture

Venue: Board Room, IDSA About the Speaker Prof. Devesh Kapur, Director, Center for the Advanced Study of India & Professor of Political Science, Madan Lal Sobti Chair for the Study… Continue reading Talk by Devesh Kapur on China’s Role in the Asian & Global Financial Architecture

Talk by Ayesha Siddiqa on “Emerging Civil Military relations in Pakistan”

Venue: Board room, First floor, IDSA Pakistan project of IDSA is organising a talk on “Emerging Civil Military relations in Pakistan” by well known Pakistan security Analyst and author of… Continue reading Talk by Ayesha Siddiqa on “Emerging Civil Military relations in Pakistan”

Talk by Susmit Kumar on “Modernization of Islam and Unification of Human Civilization”

Speaker: Dr. Susmit Kumar Topic: Modernization of Islam and Unification of Human Civilization Venue: Board Room, First Floor Brief Bio Dr. Susmit Kumar obtained his Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University.… Continue reading Talk by Susmit Kumar on “Modernization of Islam and Unification of Human Civilization”

Monograph launch titled “Turmoil in West Asia: The Sectarian Divide Shapes Regional Competitions”

Venue: Room no 005 (Ground Floor), IDSA Programme Launch of the monograph Shri Jayant Prasand, Director General, IDSA Remarks by the author, Amb. Talmiz Ahmad – The Sectarian Divide in… Continue reading Monograph launch titled “Turmoil in West Asia: The Sectarian Divide Shapes Regional Competitions”

Talk by Ashok K. Kantha on “India-China Relations: Looking Ahead”

Shri Ashok K. Kantha is India’s former Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Talk by Peter Hofbauer on Very light weight diesel engines

The Strategic Technologies Centre of IDSA is organising a Round Table discussion by Dr Peter Hofbauer, an Austrian born engineer and inventor now living in US. The discussion will be… Continue reading Talk by Peter Hofbauer on Very light weight diesel engines

Talk by Talmiz Ahmad on “Political Islam and Global Jihad: Prospects for Reform in West Asia”

Venue: Second Floor (Seminar Hall I), IDSA In view of the current developments in the West Asian region, IDSA is organising a talk by Talmiz Ahmad, former Indian Ambassador to… Continue reading Talk by Talmiz Ahmad on “Political Islam and Global Jihad: Prospects for Reform in West Asia”

Talk by Andrew Small by New Development in China-Pakistan Relations

The East Asia Centre in IDSA is hosting Mr. Andrew Small for a talk on the New Development in China-Pakistan Relations. The talk is scheduled for tomorrow, 22nd July (Friday)… Continue reading Talk by Andrew Small by New Development in China-Pakistan Relations

Talk by Shafick Osman on “Geopolitics of the Indian Ocean Region: An Overview”

Venue: Boardroom #104, First Floor, IDSA Dr Shafick Osman is Director of Research and Studies Ltd and Former Head and Founder of School of Geopolitics, Université des Mascareignes, Mauritius. Shri… Continue reading Talk by Shafick Osman on “Geopolitics of the Indian Ocean Region: An Overview”