Talk by Mr Puneet Talwar on “US-India defence relations and areas for cooperation, including defence trade”

Thank you very much, Ambassador Shankar, for that very kind introduction… and even more importantly, thank you for everything you have done to deepen the ties between the United States… Continue reading Talk by Mr Puneet Talwar on “US-India defence relations and areas for cooperation, including defence trade”

Valedictory Address at the 17th Asian Security Conference on “Asian Security: Comprehending the Indian Approach”

Brig Dahiya, Distinguished participants, Ladies & gentlemen, Thank you very much for inviting me to deliver the valedictory address at the 17th Asian Security Conference. ASC is not only the… Continue reading Valedictory Address at the 17th Asian Security Conference on “Asian Security: Comprehending the Indian Approach”

Inaugural Address at the 17th Asian Security Conference on “Asian Security: Comprehending the Indian Approach”

Speech by Australian Minister for Defence, Kevin Andrews, on ‘Australia’s Defence Policy and Relationship with India’

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today. And thank you to the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) for hosting. The… Continue reading Speech by Australian Minister for Defence, Kevin Andrews, on ‘Australia’s Defence Policy and Relationship with India’

Keynote address by Secretary (East) in the Academic Session of Delhi Dialogue VII; 12 March 2015

Brig. Rumel Dahiya Distinguished Guests Ladies and Gentlemen, I feel privileged to be here with you at the inaugural of the Academic Session of the seventh edition of the Delhi… Continue reading Keynote address by Secretary (East) in the Academic Session of Delhi Dialogue VII; 12 March 2015

Keynote Address by Shri Navtej Singh Sarna, Secretary (West): 3rd India-Africa Strategic Dialogue

Good morning Brig. Dahiya, distinguished participants from Africa, distinguished participants from the Indian think tank community, scholars, senior diplomats and friends, first of all my apologies for reaching late. It… Continue reading Keynote Address by Shri Navtej Singh Sarna, Secretary (West): 3rd India-Africa Strategic Dialogue

Keynote Address at the 9th South Asia Conference on “Culture as a Factor in Regional Cooperation in South Asia”

Special Address by Shri Anil Wadhwa, Secretary (East), MEA, GoI at the 2nd West Asia Conference

India’s Links with West Asia: Policy, Prospects and Challenges Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to be here amidst this august audience to discuss issues of topical… Continue reading Special Address by Shri Anil Wadhwa, Secretary (East), MEA, GoI at the 2nd West Asia Conference

Keynote address by Shri M. Hamid Ansari, Vice President of India at the 2nd West Asia Conference on “Ideology, Politics and New Security Challenges in West Asia”

Turbulence in West Asian State Systems: Road Blocks in the Quest for Participatory Governance I thank the IDSA and Ambassador Jayant Prasad for inviting me today. Over the years, these… Continue reading Keynote address by Shri M. Hamid Ansari, Vice President of India at the 2nd West Asia Conference on “Ideology, Politics and New Security Challenges in West Asia”

Keynote address by Shri G.K. Pillai at the 3rd Annual Internal Security National Seminar on “Radicalisation: A Growing Security Challenge for India”