IDSA’s National Security Lecture Series

INTRODUCTION 1. It is indeed a great pleasure for me to address such an august gathering of security experts and to share thoughts and perception on the ‘Changing Global Security… Continue reading IDSA’s National Security Lecture Series

Special Address at International Seminar on Changing Political Context in South Asia and Prospects of Security and Regional Cooperation

(as marked for delivery) It gives me great pleasure to address the Second Annual Conference “Changing Political Context in India’s Neighbourhood: Prospects of Regional Security and Cooperation”. I commend the… Continue reading Special Address at International Seminar on Changing Political Context in South Asia and Prospects of Security and Regional Cooperation

Keynote Address at National Seminar on Defence Offsets

“I am really pleased to be present at this National Seminar on Defence Offsets being organised by the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA). Offsets are an important component… Continue reading Keynote Address at National Seminar on Defence Offsets

IDSA’s National Security Lecture Series

1. Mr Narendra Sisodia (DG, IDSA); senior officers from the Armed Forces (serving and retired); distinguished scholars from academia and the strategic community; members of the foreign service attaché corps;… Continue reading IDSA’s National Security Lecture Series

Keynote Address at the National Seminar on Defence Industry

“At the very outset, I must admit that today’s Seminar could not have come in more relevant circumstances. As the security scenario is undergoing unprecedented changes, the defence industry has… Continue reading Keynote Address at the National Seminar on Defence Industry

Keynote Address at International Seminar on Changing Political Context in South Asia and Prospects of Security and Regional Cooperation

I feel privileged to be here amidst such a distinguished audience. Over the years, the IDSA has provided the impulse for such gatherings of scholars and analysts. The end products… Continue reading Keynote Address at International Seminar on Changing Political Context in South Asia and Prospects of Security and Regional Cooperation

Keynote Address at National Seminar on Defence Acquisition

It is a pleasure to inaugurate this seminar on Defence Acquisition being organised by IDSA on the vital subject of defence acquisition. Our Defence Forces require timely and cost-effective acquisition… Continue reading Keynote Address at National Seminar on Defence Acquisition

Keynote Address at the 11th Asian Security Conference

This year’s conference is of great significance. It assumes particular salience in the context of the attacks on Mumbai and the systematic use of terrorism and irregular warfare as state… Continue reading Keynote Address at the 11th Asian Security Conference

Presidential Address at the 44th Foundation Day Function

It is a real pleasure to be back amidst you for the 44th Foundation Day of the Institute. The Foundation Day is an occasion for both – reflection and introspection.… Continue reading Presidential Address at the 44th Foundation Day Function

Keynote Address at Third IDSA Annual Conference on South Asia 2020: Moving towards Cooperation or Conflict?

Shri N.S.Sisodia, Director General, Institute of Defence and Strategic Analysis, Distinguished Speakers, Friends from South Asia, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for asking me to speak at this important Conference… Continue reading Keynote Address at Third IDSA Annual Conference on South Asia 2020: Moving towards Cooperation or Conflict?