Concluding Address at the 7th Asian Security Conference

Distinguished Scholars, diplomats, ladies and gentlemen, As the President of the IDSA, it is indeed an honour and a privilege to address the distinguished delegates gathered for the Seventh Asian… Continue reading Concluding Address at the 7th Asian Security Conference

Inaugural Address at the 7th Asian Security Conference

Excellencies, Distinguished Participants at the 7th Asian Security Conference, Ladies and Gentlemen, I feel privileged to be invited to deliver the Inaugural Address at the IDSA’s 7th Asian Security Conference.… Continue reading Inaugural Address at the 7th Asian Security Conference

IDSA’s 39th Foundation Day Lecture – Challenges to National Security Over the Next Decade: A Perspective

Honourable Raksha Mantriji and friends, It is indeed my privilege to be here this morning at the annual gathering of IDSA and an honor for me to share some of… Continue reading IDSA’s 39th Foundation Day Lecture – Challenges to National Security Over the Next Decade: A Perspective

Inaugural Address at the IDSA Fortieth Anniversary Commemorative Seminar – Emerging India: Security And Foreign Policy Perspectives

Director IDSA, Ladies and Gentlemen, I feel privileged to be here this morning at the 40th Anniversary Commemorative Seminar of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. The IDSA is… Continue reading Inaugural Address at the IDSA Fortieth Anniversary Commemorative Seminar – Emerging India: Security And Foreign Policy Perspectives

India and the NPT

It gives me great pleasure to inaugurate the seminar on “Emerging Nuclear Proliferation Challenges” jointly organised by the Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis and Pugwash India Conference. The instances… Continue reading India and the NPT

Inaugural Address at the 8th Asian Security Conference

Excellencies, Distinguished Participants at the 8th Asian Security Conference, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am indeed honoured to meet this august gathering of eminent experts and to inaugurate the 8th Asian… Continue reading Inaugural Address at the 8th Asian Security Conference

IDSA Foundation Day Lecture 2005

I am truly delighted to be here in your midst to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Institute of Defense Studies and Analysis. I am particularly happy that you have… Continue reading IDSA Foundation Day Lecture 2005

Nuclear Non-Proliferation and International Security

I welcome this opportunity to present to such a distinguished audience some views on issues relating to nuclear non-proliferation and international security. At the outset, I would like to thank… Continue reading Nuclear Non-Proliferation and International Security

Special Address at the 9th Asian Security Conference

Hon’ble Vice President of India Shri Bhairon Singh Shekhawat ji, Hon’ble External Affairs Minister and President of IDSA, Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Director IDSA, Shri N. S. Sisodia Excellencies, distinguished delegates,… Continue reading Special Address at the 9th Asian Security Conference

Opening Address by the Norwegian Foreign Minister at the IDSA-PRIO Seminar On Energy Security

Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, Let me first thank PRIO and IDSA for hosting this international seminar on the geopolitics of energy security. It is a telling sign of expanding bilateral… Continue reading Opening Address by the Norwegian Foreign Minister at the IDSA-PRIO Seminar On Energy Security