18th Asian Security Conference – Securing Cyberspace: Asian and International Perspectives

Concept Note The Asian Security Conference (ASC) is a major calendar event of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. Since 1999, when the conference was first… Continue reading 18th Asian Security Conference – Securing Cyberspace: Asian and International Perspectives

18th Asian Security Conference – Securing Cyberspace: Asian and International Perspectives

Concept Note The Asian Security Conference (ASC) is a major calendar event of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. Since 1999, when the conference was first… Continue reading 18th Asian Security Conference – Securing Cyberspace: Asian and International Perspectives

International Conference on ‘Addressing the Challenge of International Terrorism and Radicalisation’

Venue: IDSA Auditorium (Second Floor) Concept Note As the foremost threat to international peace and security, global terrorism is an implacably complex, intractable and suigeneris phenomena. As the origins, scope… Continue reading International Conference on ‘Addressing the Challenge of International Terrorism and Radicalisation’

IFS-IDSA Seminar – India and the Great Powers: Continuity and Change

Venue: Auditorium, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi Concept Note In the post-Cold War period, India is increasingly moving away from its previous non-aligned stance. China’s rise and… Continue reading IFS-IDSA Seminar – India and the Great Powers: Continuity and Change

International Conference on ‘Russia in Global Affairs: Indian and Russian Perspectives’

Venue: Seminar Hall 1 (2nd Floor), IDSA The conference is being organized in the backdrop of the special edition of IDSA journal ‘Strategic Analysis’, entitled ‘Russia in Global Affairs’. Several… Continue reading International Conference on ‘Russia in Global Affairs: Indian and Russian Perspectives’

India and South Korea in Regional Security Order

09:30 am: Introductory Remarks by Shri Jayant Prasad, DG, IDSA 09:40 am: Special Address by His Excellency Cho Hyun, Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of Korea (ROK) in New Delhi… Continue reading India and South Korea in Regional Security Order

19th Asian Security Conference – Combating Terrorism: Evolving an Asian Response

Concept Note Asia, with close to sixty percent of the world’s population, has suffered disparate political, nationalist, religious, ideological, ethnic, sectarian, and state sponsored violence for decades, if not centuries.… Continue reading 19th Asian Security Conference – Combating Terrorism: Evolving an Asian Response

Exploring the Roots of India’s Strategic Culture

[Complete video of the event] Concept Note Despite a debate about its relevance, strategic culture has become a commonly used and acknowledged term in the sense of a “shaping context”… Continue reading Exploring the Roots of India’s Strategic Culture

First Meeting of BIMSTEC Track 1.5 Security Dialogue Forum

Inaugural Session: 1000-1030 1000-1005: Welcome Remarks: Maj Gen Alok Deb (Retd) DDG IDSA 1005-1010: Secretary General BIMSTEC speech to be read out by Mr Pankaj Hazarika, Director, BIMSTEC 1015-1030: Inaugural… Continue reading First Meeting of BIMSTEC Track 1.5 Security Dialogue Forum

IDSA-GIGA Conference on Changing Asia 2017:  Perspectives on Regional and Global Cooperation

The “Changing Asia 2017: Perspective on Regional and Global Cooperation”, the second conference of the high-profile biannual Changing Asia conference series, is being organised jointly by IDSA and GIGA on… Continue reading IDSA-GIGA Conference on Changing Asia 2017:  Perspectives on Regional and Global Cooperation