3rd Annual Internal Security National Seminar on “Radicalisation: A Growing Security Challenge for India”

Conference Coordinator: Col Abdul Hameed Khan (ahkesk@gmail.com) Concept Note On August 1, 2015 the Union Home Secretary of India chaired a high level meeting of the representatives of central intelligence… Continue reading 3rd Annual Internal Security National Seminar on “Radicalisation: A Growing Security Challenge for India”

Perspectives in India-Taiwan Relations in Asia and Beyond: The Future

A Seminar Jointly organised by Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre (TECC), New Delhi Programme 9.30 AM-10.00 AM: Registration Inaugural Session: 10.00… Continue reading Perspectives in India-Taiwan Relations in Asia and Beyond: The Future

9th South Asia Conference – Culture as a Factor in Regional Cooperation in South Asia

Concept Note Most states in South Asia are multi-cultural in character. In the post-colonial phase of their existence, they were confronted with the twin problems of state and nation building.… Continue reading 9th South Asia Conference – Culture as a Factor in Regional Cooperation in South Asia

India-Africa Partnership: Future Directions

Venue: Silver Oaks Hall, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi The 3rd India-Africa Forum Summit is scheduled to be held in New Delhi from 26th to 29th October 2015, with all… Continue reading India-Africa Partnership: Future Directions

Strategic Nuclear Dialogue

To build upon previous cooperation between the institutions, KCL and IDSA will each hold one part of a two-event strategic nuclear dialogue. Up to eight institutional staff and related researchers… Continue reading Strategic Nuclear Dialogue

International Conference on India’s Role in Global Nuclear Governance

IDSA-PRIO Conference Concept Note This conference brings together scholars working on global nuclear governance in India and abroad to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the emerging nuclear governance architecture.… Continue reading International Conference on India’s Role in Global Nuclear Governance

Delhi Dialogue VIII: ASEAN-India Relations: A New Paradigm

Concept Note Delhi Dialogue is an annual Track 1.5 forum for discussing politico-security, economic and socio-cultural issues between ASEAN and India. Since 2009 when the conference was first held, Delhi… Continue reading Delhi Dialogue VIII: ASEAN-India Relations: A New Paradigm

18th Asian Security Conference – Securing Cyberspace: Asian and International Perspectives

Concept Note The Asian Security Conference (ASC) is a major calendar event of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. Since 1999, when the conference was first… Continue reading 18th Asian Security Conference – Securing Cyberspace: Asian and International Perspectives

18th Asian Security Conference – Securing Cyberspace: Asian and International Perspectives

Concept Note The Asian Security Conference (ASC) is a major calendar event of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. Since 1999, when the conference was first… Continue reading 18th Asian Security Conference – Securing Cyberspace: Asian and International Perspectives

International Conference on ‘Russia in Global Affairs: Indian and Russian Perspectives’

Venue: Seminar Hall 1 (2nd Floor), IDSA The conference is being organized in the backdrop of the special edition of IDSA journal ‘Strategic Analysis’, entitled ‘Russia in Global Affairs’. Several… Continue reading International Conference on ‘Russia in Global Affairs: Indian and Russian Perspectives’