44th Annual General Meeting


Second Global Shift and China’s Economic Prospects

A five member delegation from Hong Kong led by Professor Victor Sit will be visiting IDSA on Wednesday, 08 December, 2010 at 1600 hrs at the Institute for Defence Studies… Continue reading Second Global Shift and China’s Economic Prospects

Talk by Dr. Oliver Stuerkel on “Emerging Powers: A View from Brazil”

Venue: Room No. 005, IDSA Speaker: Dr. Oliver Stuerkel, Visiting Professor at the Institute of International Relations, University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil

Russia’s Relations with China and India

Venue: Room 005, IDSA Speaker: Prof. Anuradha M. Chenoy About the Speaker Dr. Anuradha M. Chenoy is a Professor at the School of International Studies in Jawaharlal Nehru University. She… Continue reading Russia’s Relations with China and India

Memorial Notice: In celebration of a life

Late K Subrahmanyam, former Director and one of the Founder Members of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, left for his Heavenly abode on 02nd February 2011, after a… Continue reading Memorial Notice: In celebration of a life

45th Annual General Body Meeting

(ADVERTISEMENT NO: IDSA/054/2012) The 45th Annual General Body Meeting of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses is being held on 25th February 2012 at 1100 hrs. in the IDSA… Continue reading 45th Annual General Body Meeting

Threat of Islamist Terrorism in Southeast Asia-2012

Venue: Room No. 005, IDSA Dr Bilveer Singh, a Singapore citizen, currently teaches at the Dept of Political Science, National University of Singapore and is an Adjunct Professor at the… Continue reading Threat of Islamist Terrorism in Southeast Asia-2012

China and India’s Look East Policy

Venue: Room 105, IDSA Biodata: Prof Baladas Ghoshal Baladas Ghoshal, currently Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi and Visiting Professor, Academy of Third World Studies, Jamia Millia… Continue reading China and India’s Look East Policy

Challenges of De-radicalization in Indonesia

Venue: Room 205, IDSA

China and South China Sea: Options for ASEAN