11th Asian Security Conference: The Changing Face of Conflict and Strategy in Asia

Concept Note The Asian Security Conference (ASC) is a major calendar event of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. Since 1999, when the conference was first… Continue reading 11th Asian Security Conference: The Changing Face of Conflict and Strategy in Asia

National Seminar on Defence Industry

Concept Note India has a large defence industrial base, mainly under state control, with limited but a growing private sector contribution. The public sector enterprises consist of 39 Ordnance Factories… Continue reading National Seminar on Defence Industry

India – Africa Partnership: What the future holds?

The Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi held a national seminar on India-Africa Partnership: What the Future Holds on Wednesday, April 28, 2010. It was organized to… Continue reading India – Africa Partnership: What the future holds?

National Seminar on Defence Acquisition

IDSA organized a two-day national seminar on defence acquisition on April 26-27, 2010. Delivering the Keynote Address, Admiral Nirmal Verma reiterated that the armed forces required speedy defence acquisition. He… Continue reading National Seminar on Defence Acquisition

The Future of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: Implications for India

The Quinquennial Review Conference (RevCon) of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is scheduled for May 2010. The RevCon comes at a time when the global nuclear environment has become complex… Continue reading The Future of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: Implications for India

12th Asian Security Conference: Asian Strategic Futures 2030 : Trends, Scenarios and Alternatives

Concept Note As human history shows future is always uncertain. Even so, there are forecasts on the possibility of Asian countries like China and India overtaking the US by 2030… Continue reading 12th Asian Security Conference: Asian Strategic Futures 2030 : Trends, Scenarios and Alternatives

3rd South Asia Conference: South Asia 2020: Towards Cooperation or Conflict?

Concept Note Democratic political transitions in the South Asian countries have generated immense hope and aspirations among the masses of the region for a promising future that would deal with… Continue reading 3rd South Asia Conference: South Asia 2020: Towards Cooperation or Conflict?

13th Asian Security Conference on “Towards A New Asian Order”

Concept Note The onset of the ‘Asian Century’ requires fresh thinking on regional architectures in Asia. Will these be able to deliver on the promise of the future? What needs… Continue reading 13th Asian Security Conference on “Towards A New Asian Order”

IDSA-PRIO Conference on Climate Change: Political and Security Implications in South Asia

Venue: Hotel Himalaya, Kathmandu This conference intends to examine the interface between state security, societal or human security, and climate change in South Asia. While establishing direct causal correlation between… Continue reading IDSA-PRIO Conference on Climate Change: Political and Security Implications in South Asia

India, China and Japan: where are we going to land?

Venue: Committee Room #205, IDSA Speaker: Prof. H.Yamaguchi, Formerly Professor at Bunkyo University, Japan, and Visiting Professor at the Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Wardha, India