Venue: IDSA
Venue: IDSA
Non-State Armed Groups and Asian Security in the 21st Century Concept Note As part of its ongoing efforts to bring together experts on security issues of mutual interest, IDSA and… Continue reading IDSA-BESA Bilateral Dialogue
Venue: India International Centre, New Delhi
Venue: PRIO, Oslo
Venue: Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Venue: Seminar Hall, IDSA 2 March 2010 1045-1115: Inaugural session 1045-1050: N.S. Sisodia, Director General, IDSA – Welcome address 1050-1100: Dr M M Pallam Raju, Minister… Continue reading IDSA-IFS Second Bilateral Seminar
A delegation of the International Committee of the Labour Party of Norway visited IDSA on September 10, 2008. The visiting delegation was headed by Mr. Olav Akselsen, Member and Speaker… Continue reading Interaction With Norwegian Parliamentary Delegation
IDSA hosted the Singapore Command and Staff College delegation, under the ‘Distinguished Speakers Programme’ on 18 August 2008. The visiting delegation, comprising of nine faculty and 65 student officers, was… Continue reading Interaction With Singapore Command And Staff College Delegation
Venue: IDSA
Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Edward P Smith, Director, APCSS visited IDSA on March 18, 2008. He was accompanied by Lt. Col. John Gasner, APCSS Chief, Outreach, and Lt. Col. Brian Hedrick,… Continue reading Roundtable with visiting delegation from the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (APCSS)