Arms Trade Offset: Global Trend and ‘Best’ Practices

Chairperson: Shri V. K. MisraDiscussants: Shri A. K. Ghosh and Shri Amit Cowshish Dr Laxman Kumar Behera’s presentation on “Arms Trade Offset: Global Trend and ‘Best’ Practices” was broadly divided… Continue reading Arms Trade Offset: Global Trend and ‘Best’ Practices

Visit of Young Parliamentarians from African Countries to IDSA

Facilitated by the Ministry of External Affairs, a nine member delegation of young parliamentarians from Algeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, South Sudan and Uganda visited the Institute for Defence Studies… Continue reading Visit of Young Parliamentarians from African Countries to IDSA

Talk by Michael Liebig on “Relevance of Kautilya’s Arthasastra for Modern Political Science”

The Military Affairs Centre at IDSA organised a talk by Michael Liebig, Visiting Fellow at IDSA on 14th February 2014 on the topic “Relevance of Kautilya’s Arthasastra for Modern India.”… Continue reading Talk by Michael Liebig on “Relevance of Kautilya’s Arthasastra for Modern Political Science”

Emerging contours of Iran-China Relations: An Overview

Chairperson: Amb Ishrat AzizExternal Discussants: Prof A K Pasha and Prof Qamar AghaInternal Discussants: Col Rajeev Agrawal and Dr Prashant Kumar Singh The paper holistically examines the nature, scope and… Continue reading Emerging contours of Iran-China Relations: An Overview

Indian Army: Evolving to Adapt Military Change in CI Operations

Chair: Lt Gen Mukesh Sabharwal (Retd.)External Discussants: Lt Gen D S Hooda and Maj Gen Umong Sethi (Retd)Internal Discussants: Gp. Capt. Naval Jgota and Col. Vijai Singh Rana While presenting… Continue reading Indian Army: Evolving to Adapt Military Change in CI Operations

The ULFA, the PLA, and the UNLF: Will negotiations Work?

Chair: Shri E N Ram MohanExternal Discussants: Dr M Amarjeet Singh and Mr Bidhan S LaishramInternal Discussants: Ms Shruti Pandalai and Ms Gulbin Sultana The paper aims to understand whether… Continue reading The ULFA, the PLA, and the UNLF: Will negotiations Work?

Egypt’s Faltering Transition: Domestic and Regional Dynamics and Challenges for India

Chairperson: Ambassador Arundhati GhoseExternal Discussants: Shri Sanjay Singh and Professor Gulshan DietlInternal Discussants: Dr P K Pradhan and Ms Ruchita Beri The paper is an attempt to analytically examine the… Continue reading Egypt’s Faltering Transition: Domestic and Regional Dynamics and Challenges for India

Indian Ocean Maritime Security Cooperation: Will India Lead?

Chairperson: R Adm (Retd) K RajamenonExternal Discussants: Professor Baladas Ghoshal, Dr. Vijay SakhujaInternal Discussant: Cmd SS Parmar The paper focusses on the prospects of Maritime Security Cooperation in the Indian… Continue reading Indian Ocean Maritime Security Cooperation: Will India Lead?

Talk by Shri G.K. Pillai, Distinguished Fellow, IDSA on “Naga Peace Talks: What Next?

The Internal Security Centre, IDSA organized a talk on ‘Naga Peace Talks: What Next?’ on 04 June 2014 by G K Pillai, former Home Secretary of India and presently, Distinguished… Continue reading Talk by Shri G.K. Pillai, Distinguished Fellow, IDSA on “Naga Peace Talks: What Next?

Indian Maritime Strategy: Drivers and Imperatives

Chair: R Adm (Retd) K RajamenonExternal Discussants: R Adm SY Srikhande, Dr. Vijay Sakhuja and Cdr R MishraInternal Discussants: Commodore Ajay Chhabra The author argues that as the world looks… Continue reading Indian Maritime Strategy: Drivers and Imperatives