Iran, IAEA and the Challenges of ‘Politicised Safeguards’ Implementation

Chair: Ambassador R. RajagopalanExternal Discussants: Ambassador Sheelkanth Sharma and Prof. R. RajaramanInternal Discussants: Dr G Balachandran and A Vinod Kumar The paper examined three issue areas that according to the… Continue reading Iran, IAEA and the Challenges of ‘Politicised Safeguards’ Implementation

Framing of Nationalism in Nepal’s Radical Communist Movement: The India Factor

Chairperson: Brig Rumel Dahiya, SM (Retd)External Discussants: Ambassador Deb Mukherji and Ms Akashnya ShahInternal Discussants: Dr Anand Kumar and Dr Anshuman Behera Mr Post Bhadur Basnet, SAARC Visiting Fellow from… Continue reading Framing of Nationalism in Nepal’s Radical Communist Movement: The India Factor

Threat of Israel’s Regional Isolation and Imperatives for the Future

Event: Fellows’ seminarChair: Ambassador Rajiv SikriExternal Discussants:  Dr. P R Kumaraswamy, Mr. Ashok SinghInternal Discussant: Mr. S Samuel C Rajiv The paper provides a comprehensive overview of Israel’s history since… Continue reading Threat of Israel’s Regional Isolation and Imperatives for the Future

Talk by Mr. Falih Al-Fayyadh, National Security Adviser, Republic of Iraq

IDSA organized an interaction on Current Developments in Iraq and the West Asian Region on 20 December, 2013. A five member delegation from Iraq led by His Excellency Minister Falih… Continue reading Talk by Mr. Falih Al-Fayyadh, National Security Adviser, Republic of Iraq

Talk by Bharat Wariavwalla on “State, Secularism and Democracy: Can Liberal Democracy Prosper in the West Asia?”

Chair: Dr. Arvind Gupta, DG IDSA Discussant: Amb Talmiz Ahmad The West Asian region has been making news since December 2010 when the revolution broke out on the streets of… Continue reading Talk by Bharat Wariavwalla on “State, Secularism and Democracy: Can Liberal Democracy Prosper in the West Asia?”

Military Change in India: An Appraisal of the Evolving Strategy Towards Pakistan

Chairperson: Lt Gen HS Lidder (Retd)External Discussants: Vice Adm Anup Singh (Retd), Lt Gen Prakash Menon (Retd) and Professor Rajesh RajagopalanInternal Discussant: Col PK Gautam (Retd) This paper primarily made… Continue reading Military Change in India: An Appraisal of the Evolving Strategy Towards Pakistan

Talk by Lt Gen SA Hasnain (Retd), on “Kashmir 2014: A Review and Prognosis”

The Internal Security Centre at IDSA conducted a talk by Lieutenant General Syed Ata Hasnain (retd) on 06 January 2014 on the topic “Kashmir 2014: A Review and a Prognosis”.… Continue reading Talk by Lt Gen SA Hasnain (Retd), on “Kashmir 2014: A Review and Prognosis”

Domestic Politics of Bangladesh and India – Bangladesh Relations

This paper primarily made an attempt to discuss the effect of domestic politics of Bangladesh on India-Bangladesh Relations. It delved into some of the historical processes that resulted in the… Continue reading Domestic Politics of Bangladesh and India – Bangladesh Relations

Prospects of Cross Line of Control (LoC) Travel and Trade

Chair: Air Vice Marshal (Retd) Kapil KakExternal Discussants: Professor Riyaz Punjabi and Professor K WarikooInternal Discussants: Dr Smruti S Pattanaik and Col (Retd)Vivek Chadha Dr Priyanka Singh, in her presentation,… Continue reading Prospects of Cross Line of Control (LoC) Travel and Trade

Visit of Young Parliamentarians from African Countries to IDSA

Facilitated by the Ministry of External Affairs, a nine member delegation of young parliamentarians from Algeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, South Sudan and Uganda visited the Institute for Defence Studies… Continue reading Visit of Young Parliamentarians from African Countries to IDSA