News Digest Archives

Biweekly Review of Dari/Persian and Pashto Media from Afghanistan

Bi-weekly review of the Persian/Dari and Pashto Media on Afghanistan. Given the importance of the transition process in Afghanistan, it is hoped that such periodic review spanning the print, electronic and audio-visual media will acquaint the readers with the perceptions/ views/analyses from the Afghan media and help them in understanding the political dynamics in Afghanistan.

Chemical and Biological News Digest

Chemical and Biological News Digest is a collection of news reports and press releases published in various newspapers and media related to the subject. The news reports have been abridged to provide clarity.

China News Digest

Bi-weekly review of the Persian/Dari and Pashto Media on Afghanistan. Given the importance of the transition process in Afghanistan, it is hoped that such periodic review spanning the print, electronic and audio-visual media will acquaint the readers with the perceptions/ views/analyses from the Afghan media and help them in understanding the political dynamics in Afghanistan.

Indian Ocean Watch

Indian Ocean Watch is a monthly newsletter compiled by the IDSA. The newsletter tracks recent developments in the fields of maritime security, economic cooperation and environmental concerns/ disaster risk management in the various countries of the Indian Ocean region.

IOR-ARC Newsletter

The IOR-ARC Newsletter is a monthly newsletter compiled by IDSA on behalf of the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation (IOR-ARC). The newsletter tracks the recent developments in the fields of maritime security, trade and investment facilitation, fisheries management, disaster risk management, tourism, science and technology & academic cooperation in the member countries of the IOR-ARC.

NTS Newsletter

NTS Newsletter is the IDSA's bimonthly newsletter on Non Traditional Secuity. Given the growing evidence on the interlinkages between energy, food, water and climate change and how it is defining the geo-political landscape as well as national policies, a need was felt to bring out a NTS newsletter that would periodically disseminate information on these issues.

Pakistan Project: Weekly E-bulletin

This e-bulletin, being initiated by "Pakistan Project" at MP-IDSA, seeks to focus on major developments in Pakistan and bring them to the attention of strategic analysts and policy makers in India on a weekly basis. It will carry a lead commentary on the most important development during the previous weeks, followed by useful information on the evolving political, economic and security situation in Pakistan.

Pakistan Urdu Press

Pakistan Urdu Press is IDSA's weekly newsletter containing selected translations from Pakistan's leading Urdu dailies. It contains editorial excerpts, opinion columns and selected news items.

South Asia Trends

South Asia Trends is a monthly newsletter on South Asian affairs. The purpose of the newsletter is to provide a panoramic view of important events that shape and impact the politics of the subcontinent. The effort would be to inform our readers of the domestic, regional and international repercussions of the political debates and diplomatic engagements that take place in South Asia.

The Week in Review

  • COUNTRY REVIEWS -- South Asia, East and Southeast Asia, West Asia, Central Asia, Russia and USA

West Asia Watch

West Asia Watch is being brought out by the West Asia Centre of MP-IDSA. The aim of the newsletter is to monitor and apprise the larger community of scholars and students of West Asia as well as Indian policy makers on the latest political, economic and strategic developments in the region and their implications for India through its news reports, analyses and interviews. At a time when India is evolving a new approach towards the region, this venture seeks to generate greater awareness and keener insights for more informed decision making.