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  • Analytical Quality Ranking of Equipment under Procurement: An Improvement of Contemporary Practice

    Parameters, dimensions and operational requirements specified by the user must be evaluated exclusively by the user trial team, while DGQA must concentrate only on the testing of quality encompassing the product design, the material used and the manufacturing process in addition to the environmental testing of the product under simulated conditions.

    March 20, 2013

    India’s Defence Budget 2013-14: A Bumpy Road Ahead

    A GDP growth of less than seven per cent combined with the fiscal consolidation path that the Finance Minister has articulated in his budget speech means a lot of pressure on the defence ministry whose plan for current and future expenditure up to 2017 is based on past GDP growth rate of 8 to 9 per cent.

    March 04, 2013

    The Defence Budget 2013-14: Reasonable in the Existing Circumstances but Need for Re-orientation and Reform

    There is a need for an overhaul of the defence planning and budgeting systems to make them outcome oriented, which will lead to the development and maintenance of requisite capability through the defence forces as an entity over a specified long-term horizon.

    March 04, 2013

    India’s Defence Budget: Trends Beyond the Numbers

    In the larger scheme of things, fiscal prudence is a good trait and the reduction in deficits desirable, yet an overtly ambitious approach of reducing deficits into a number game may lead to developments that may hurt us not only in the security arena but in economic growth as well.

    March 04, 2013

    Economic moorings of the defence budget

    While the anguish over the state of modernization of the armed forces, the slow march towards achieving the capability for simultaneous action on two-fronts and rather feeble power projection on a global scale are understandable, what is not understandable is the expectation that the outlays for achieving these objectives would increase exponentially, irrespective of the state of the economy.

    February 27, 2013

    Military Deployment in Afghanistan is not in India’s National Interests

    India, as a responsible regional power, should steer Afghanistan towards political stability, security through an inclusive government, economic growth, reconstruction and regional integration, which is what that country needs the most.

    February 22, 2013

    Managing India’s Missile Aspirations

    The Agni-VI and Prahaar both signify unnecessary missile projects, which have been developed in the interests of DRDO technical and bureaucratic ambitions rather than the stated interests of India’s nuclear doctrine.

    February 10, 2013

    Promoting SEZs to Boost the Indian Aerospace Sector

    India’s first aerospace-focussed SEZ that QuEST Global has set up at Hattargi village near Belgaum seeks to transform the Indian aerospace sector by striving to create a well-endowed aerospace ecosystem at one location.

    January 22, 2013

    Assessing Pakistan’s Transgression on the Line of Control

    The declining domestic standing of the Pakistan Army is likely to be bolstered through military tensions on the LoC, social upheaval in Jammu & Kashmir and religious hysteria within Pakistan as a prelude to adopting a more proactive role in Kashmir.

    January 16, 2013

    Capital Acquisition Budget: Factors Affecting its Utilization

    It is almost customary to blame underutilization of the capital acquisition budget on defective planning, apathy of the civilian bureaucracy and procedural complexities. This view, however, does not take into account several factors that are external to the Ministry of Defence.

    December 26, 2012

