Chinese Aerial Patrols Over Senkaku Islands

China’s escalation of the Senkaku ownership dispute by commencing air patrols over the islands by OSA aircraft has the potential to trigger a war between China and Japan.

December 24, 2012

Officers’ Promotion Policy in the Army

It is desirable that policies are not tinkered with after every change of command and are allowed to stabilise over a period of 5 to 10 years before they are reviewed for their efficacy.

November 30, 2012

SINAI: The Middle East’s New Hot Spot

Since the revolution that toppled Mubarak, Sinai has become a no man’s land where jihadists from Egypt and Gaza as well as local Bedouins have begun to engage in militant activities.

November 30, 2012

Renewed American Engagement with Nepal’s Maoists

America’s removal of Nepal’s ruling Maoist party from the list of global terrorist groups not only recognises the party’s transformation from a “violent” political outfit to a political party committed to democratic norms, but also signals renewed US interest in Nepal.

November 27, 2012

Political Stalemate and Transitional Justice in Post-conflict Nepal

Failure to provide justice will significantly undermine the capacity of the state to uphold the rule of law and undermine the foundations of the new institutions that are being instituted.

November 21, 2012

Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant and Civil Nuclear Liability

The Right of Recourse embedded in the Indian nuclear liability law has ensured that more than four years after the NSG granted exemption to enable nuclear commerce with India, India has not been able to finalise a single contract with any of the countries with which it has signed nuclear cooperation agreements for any nuclear facility.

November 09, 2012

The Likely Composition of the Central Military Commission of the 18th Party Congress of China

There are major changes in the CMC, with eight out of 12 members likely to bow out of office. The cascading effect on the change of guard in the General Departments and the operational units will keep the PLA unsettled for some time

October 31, 2012

Arab Spring: Aspirations Met Or Dreams Unfulfilled?

As we move into the second winter of the Arab Spring, this Issue Brief attempts to take stock of the progress of the Arab Spring and examine whether the aspirations of people have been met or have they been handed a raw deal.

October 26, 2012

Corruption in Administration: Evaluating the Kautilyan Antecedents

The significance of Arthasastra for the issue of corruption in contemporary times lies in Kautilya’s realisation that corruption in government is inevitable but can be combated through a set of strict measures

October 12, 2012

Indian Army: Internal Challenges In Capability Building And Retention

The Army, being the largest service and fielding the largest array of equipment, needs to improve its own processes by carrying out an internal analysis and taking effective steps to speed up the procurement process.

October 11, 2012

