ASEAN–India Summit 2021: Outcomes and Prospects

The 18th ASEAN–India Summit reaffirmed commitment to shared values and norms that underlie ASEAN–India Dialogue relationship that started in 1992, i.e., the commitment to support ASEAN Community building and strengthening the ASEAN–India strategic partnership across the whole spectrum of political-security, economic, socio-cultural and development cooperation.

November 29, 2021

The New Government in Iraq: Challenges Ahead

The new government in Iraq is likely to face challenges in addressing the issues of political instability, economic crisis, inflation, unemployment, among others. It will also have to maintain a balance between the US, the Arab allies, Iran and Turkey, the main external actors active in Iraq.

November 15, 2021

PLA’s Western Theatre Command in Transition

Post 2015 reforms, the Western Theatre Command (WTC) of the PLA has been transforming itself into a joint theatre command that can fight wars against an adversary like India. Considering that India and China are involved in a border standoff, any strengthening of WTC’s combat capabilities is likely to have an immense impact on India.

November 09, 2021

Rising Terrorism in Mozambique

The rising terrorism in Mozambique is a matter of concern both for the region and the international community. While the combined efforts of Mozambican armed forces and the troops from Rwanda and SADC countries have had some impact in curbing terrorism in the country, there is a need for a comprehensive policy to tackle the situation.

November 03, 2021

Prospects for India–Russia Cooperation in the Arctic

Given India–Russia longstanding relationship and formal mechanisms of cooperation, the Arctic brings new opportunities. From joint oil and gas development projects to connectivity via shipping and fibre optic routes, the Arctic offers untold opportunities for joint investments and partnerships. It is time India and Russia explored new areas of mutual benefit in the Arctic.

October 29, 2021

Two Decades After 9/11: The Liberal Security Community Lies in Tatters

It may seem premature to discuss the advent of an illiberal global order, however, the numerous catalytic events of recent years and the apparent decline of American heft in shaping global norms and structures might indicate that the international system is on the cusp of a major transformation.

October 12, 2021

US–Pakistan Equations at a Crossroads

US–Pakistan relations have witnessed upheavals in the past; the US’ exit from Afghanistan is the latest in the series of inflection points in their relationship. However, irrespective of the escalatory war of words sometimes, the nature of US–Pakistan relationship of convenience is likely to keep them strategically aligned in the future as well.

September 17, 2021

The Afghan Quagmire and American Failure

The geo-strategic location of Afghanistan has tempted many dominant powers to intervene but no great power has been able to occupy or attain predominance in the country. The US failed to fulfill its geo-strategic objectives even after two decades of war and peace efforts aimed at either subduing or pacifying insurgency in the country.

September 17, 2021

Central Asia’s Afghan Predicament

Neither Russia and China nor the Central Asian countries have a clear strategy on how to handle the rapidly changing canvas in Afghanistan. An ambivalent waiting game tied by slow calibrated response has become the sine qua non strategy for the stakeholders in Afghanistan.

September 08, 2021

Elections in the so-called Azad Jammu and Kashmir

Mired in controversies, the 2021 elections in the so-called Azad Jammu and Kashmir were heavily tilted towards the Kashmir issue, which overpowered all other issues including those concerning immediate local needs and the extant development lag.

September 06, 2021

