Pakistan Floods: Causes and Consequences

Apart from alleviating the material plight of the people, transforming the feudal mindset and operationalising reforms to induce fair play and social justice should be one of the long term priority areas for the civilian government in Pakistan.

August 19, 2010

Chinese and American Muscle-flexing in South-China Sea: Implications for India

India has to calibrate its relationship with China, the US, and countries of East Asia with great circumspection in the wake of the resurfacing of tensions in the South China Sea.

August 19, 2010

Elections in Myanmar

On one hand the military Junta is wary of the international backlash in case it tampers with the election process, and on the other it knows what its fate would be if ‘truly fair and democratic elections’ are held.

August 19, 2010

India needs a new paradigm in its Nepal policy

India needs to chalk out a new paradigm of engagement with the emerging Nepal in which economic and border management issues are prioritised over political issues.

August 18, 2010

The Need for India to Engage in ‘Disaster Diplomacy’ with Pakistan

In international conflict resolution, there is a term called ‘disaster diplomacy’, which explains how a disaster in one country may open new ways of interaction and how it brings a new perspective to persisting issues.

August 18, 2010

Killing fields of Karachi

A clean-up operation by the Pakistan Army could actually end up sharpening the ethnic polarisation in the city, which in turn could lead to the conflagration that everyone in Karachi fears.

August 18, 2010

Vietnam-US Strategic Partnership

While there are many positive developments between Vietnam and the US, it is still to be seen how the elites and military in Vietnam interpret US overtures.

August 18, 2010

Military Doctrines: Next steps

The Services have been doctrinally fecund over the past decade, with each Service bidding to pursue relatively distinct campaigns, which would amount to lack of synergy and the whole failing to rise higher than the sum of its parts.

August 16, 2010

The Strategic Ramifications of anti-Iran Sanctions

Only through direct negotiations with Iran can the international community influence and possibly alter the strategic calculus of its rulers.

August 13, 2010

Anatomy of Floods: Problems Ahead in Pakistan

The anger and frustration of the people against the political parties and the nimble footed response of the Islamists will result in disaffection of people towards the state and rising support for the jihadis.

August 12, 2010

