The Last Space Shuttle Flight

The US is stopping the shuttle programme by design and not for want of technology or money; nor does discontinuing the space shuttle indicate that the US has lost the space race.

July 13, 2011

The Need for Declassification of War Histories and other Documents

Civil society in general and the strategic community in particular must demand the release of documents pertaining to India’s security.

July 06, 2011

Libya: Evaluating NATO’s Strategic Concept

An expanded role beyond its borders, including R2P, needs to be included in NATO’s concept to ensure its future relevance.

July 06, 2011

Australia Likely to Review Ban on Uranium Sales to India

A continuation of Australia’s ban on the sale of uranium to India is likely to hinder the goal of building a strategic partnership and exploring complementarities in the defence and maritime domain.

July 06, 2011

India-Pakistan Talks: Media’s Role Crucial for Normalisation of Relations

The success of high-level talks between India and Pakistan would depend on how the media shape popular opinion in the two countries and popular support to take the relationship forward.

June 29, 2011

India’s NSG Membership

Under the November 2010 statement issued by India and the United States, India is committed to take only one step: harmonizing its export controls with those of all the four multilateral export controls regimes.

June 18, 2011

Pakistan: Beginning of the Endgame?

If the Army withers away then a fragmentation of Pakistan into a ‘Lebanonized’ state would become inevitable.

June 17, 2011

Nepal after Three Months

Given the reluctance of Nepal’s political parties to further extend the term of the Constituent Assembly, lack of progress in implementing the five-point deal will result in the CA becoming defunct by the end of August.

June 17, 2011

Is India’s Transport Infrastructure Prepared for the Eastern Front?

It is imperative that the transport connectivity in the Northeast be strengthened by the establishment of railway networks in the hinterland, by the timely construction of roads that extend to the borders, and by expediting the construction of bridges.

June 15, 2011

Hurdles before a ‘Grand Coalition’ in Japanese Politics

Significant policy differences between the DPJ and LDP and New Komeito’s unwillingness to lose its identity will prevent the formation of a grand coalition.

June 10, 2011

