Energy Crises and Riots in Pakistan

Implementing the necessary reforms in Pakistan’s power sector requires able leadership and internal stability as well as a conducive and transparent environment for attracting investment.

October 11, 2011

Strategic Partnership with Afghanistan: India Showcases its Soft Power

If India is able to sustain a comprehensive partnership with Afghanistan in trying circumstances, it would serve as a model for managing its relationships with other neighbours.

October 10, 2011

The India-Bangladesh Border: A New Beginning

In the wake of the resolution of several contentious issues, India and Bangladesh must cooperate to create a border that not only enhances trade efficiency but is also secure.

October 10, 2011

The Significance and Implications of Tiangong I

China’s development of a space station is not only for the purpose of scientific experimentation but also to showcase its technological and economic strength.

October 07, 2011

South Korea’s Naval Base on Ulleung Island

South Korea hopes that the new base will help strengthen its territorial rights on Dokdo as the base would enable its ships to reach the islands quickly.

October 03, 2011

Tit for Tat: A Nuclear Retaliation Alternative

Since the infliction of unacceptable damage may not deter Pakistan from breaking the nuclear taboo, a ‘tit for tat’ strategy in case of lower order nuclear use is worth considering.

October 03, 2011

DRDO Scientists as Heterogeneous Engineers: A Response to Vipin Narang

To say that DRDO scientists have no right to think or pass judgements over strategic doctrines may be correct in terms of policy requirements but is certainly not rich academically.

October 03, 2011

Flailing America Vs Failing Pakistan

Until the US figures out an answer to the larger Pakistan problem, like India it too will have to resist the temptation of responding to Pakistani provocation with force.

October 03, 2011

The Maoist-Business Nexus

While businesses, especially industries, face a real dilemma, the long-term solution is the isolation of the Maoists by winning over the local people through projects that benefit local communities.

October 03, 2011

India-China Strategic Economic Dialogue: Another Positive Step

The SED should eventually create a greater interface at the sub-national level by including other arenas of cooperation like defence, tourism, sports, and cultural interaction involving a wider exchange at the level of people.

October 03, 2011

